Weather Strip

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  • Mike B.
    • May 1, 2001
    • 8

    Weather Strip

    I'm replacing the weatherstrip on the hard top for my poor old 68. The new is configured a bit different than what I'm taking off.

    Was curious if it had been replaced before with different years part or if maybe it was original and just different than what's shown in the AIM. I've included a picture of where the strip around the front meets the weather strip over the door. The metal strip that extends to the screw for the door strip and the lack of a place for a screw at the end of the front strip are what's different.
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    Last edited by Mike B.; May 15, 2010, 09:28 PM.
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • February 1, 1988
    • 43133

    Re: Weather Strip

    Originally posted by Mike Baker (36099)
    I'm replacing the weatherstrip on the hard top for my poor old 68. The new is configured a bit different than what I'm taking off.

    Was curious if it had been replaced before with different years part or if maybe it was original and just different than what's shown in the AIM. I've included a picture of where the strip around the front meets the weather strip over the door. The metal strip that extends to the screw for the door strip and the lack of a place for a screw at the end of the front strip are what's different.

    There were two different header weatherstrips used over the 1968-75 period for convertible hard-tops. The first was GM #3912840. This was used for 1968 and 1969. For 1970-75 a different weatherstrip was used. This was GM #3974087. It also became SERVICE for 68-69 after November, 1969. I think you have the 3974087 (or the reproduction equivalent thereof) and you're replacing an original GM #3912840. That's the reason for the difference you're observing.

    By the way, there were three different side weatherstrip pairs used over the 1968-75 period. GM #3922487 and 3922488 were supposed to be initially used for 1968. These were replaced by GM #3952957 and 3952958 in very early 1968. For 1969 through 1975 GM #3964135 and 3964136 were used and these also became SERVICE for 1968 in 1972.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Mike B.
      • May 1, 2001
      • 8

      Thanks Joe

      That makes sense.

      And looking back at the AIM it is there but, the way it's drawn it looks like the metal strip extending from the header weatherstrip was supposed to go between the fiberglass top and the stainless door trim rather than where it was between the door weatherstrip and the stainless.

      Part 3912801-2 is called a cap molding in the AIM. It looks like it covers the joint between the stainless door trim and the stainless header trim. I seem to have one of those but it's riveted on (actually so is the stainless door trim). Am I interpreting what that part is correctly? and do you know how it was intended to be attached. In the AIM it looks like it was glued on with "sealing compound".


      • Joe L.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • February 1, 1988
        • 43133

        Re: Thanks Joe

        Originally posted by Mike Baker (36099)
        That makes sense.

        And looking back at the AIM it is there but, the way it's drawn it looks like the metal strip extending from the header weatherstrip was supposed to go between the fiberglass top and the stainless door trim rather than where it was between the door weatherstrip and the stainless.

        Part 3912801-2 is called a cap molding in the AIM. It looks like it covers the joint between the stainless door trim and the stainless header trim. I seem to have one of those but it's riveted on (actually so is the stainless door trim). Am I interpreting what that part is correctly? and do you know how it was intended to be attached. In the AIM it looks like it was glued on with "sealing compound".

        I do not think this piece is retained by an adhesive. I think it's either a "snap-in" type of fit or it's retained by a screw from the bottom. Does your 3912801 have a hole in the bottom of it?

        As far as rivet attachment goes, that may have been an early method used but not shown in the AIM. In any event, I am not familiar with it.
        In Appreciation of John Hinckley


        • Mike B.
          • May 1, 2001
          • 8

          Re: Weather Strip

          Yes the 3912801 has a hole (currently).

          The opposite side appears to have had a rivet also. It still had some adhesive covering that area. I cleaned it off and looks like the head of the rivet has been removed. I'll give it a tap with a punch tomorrow.

          So looks I'm missing one molding cap and, right or wrong, the stainless side trim is riveted on.

          The top was painted some years ago. Looking at the paint it does not appear that they removed the stainless trim but maybe they did and lost the cap. Then again maybe they removed only the one cap and decided to paint around the rest.

          Interesting too is that there is a hole for the header weather strip. It just was not used.

          I appreciate your help.

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