59 (style) frame under a 58 - NCRS Discussion Boards

59 (style) frame under a 58

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  • Richard M.
    Super Moderator
    • August 31, 1988
    • 11249

    59 (style) frame under a 58

    I looked at a 58 today for someone. It had radius rods and a single rear axle bumper per side up in the frame between the rebound straps, vs the 2 per side along the side of the frame. It was a 3rd week of May built car according to the vin#. The left frame rail had a weld(pics) around the entire perimeter just behind the frame vin stamp location area, which I could not see(vin#) with a mirror due to heavy scale on top.

    Is it at all possible this 58 originally had radius rods and the single axle bumper per side?

    I say NO.

    You say?.............
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Richard M.; May 12, 2010, 08:34 PM.
  • William C.
    NCRS Past President
    • May 31, 1975
    • 6037

    Re: 59 (style) frame under a 58

    I know of at least one, and likely more '58 that was turned into a '59 for drag racing in the early 70's, including the addition of the bars.
    Bill Clupper #618


    • Tom P.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • March 31, 1980
      • 1812

      Re: 59 (style) frame under a 58

      I would be willing to bet good money that a 59-62 rear frame section has been grafted onto the 58 frame.

      Also, NO, 53-58 cars/frames did NOT get the 59-62 style radius rods. That was an upgrade for 59 cars.
      OK, with that said, then why in the world does my 56 have 59-62 style radius rods and a 60-62 style rear sway bar?? I believe the correct response is because they were owner installed---------------and I be the owner!

      I pulled all the pieces from a junk 60 in a salvage yard in 74. I also had the guy at the salvage yard use their acetelene torch to cut off the frame brackets for the radius rods and rear sway bar----------------along with big chunks of the frame------------RUINED that frame!


      • Richard M.
        Super Moderator
        • August 31, 1988
        • 11249

        Re: 59 (style) frame under a 58

        Thanks gents.......I thought it would be unlikely also.

        After more thought and reviewing my photos again, this is what I think may have happened a long time ago.......

        30? years ago this car needed a frame for some reason, rust, accident, or ?

        A 59 frame was in the bone yard with damage to the left front rail. The damaged rail was cut off at the weld point discovered. A sleeve was fabricated to fit inside the rail. Welded around the perimeter at the joint of the 2 frame rails. The left front center x-frame was welded back to the inside of the rail. Body reunited to the frame. Car continued to exist. Someone applied heavy undercoating to the frame.....everywhere. This frame must have 25 lbs of it everywhere on the frame.

        Someone buys the car without knowledge of the frame repair.

        Present owner puts the car up for sale, now that these cars are sought after.

        Many years have gone by, now the undercoating starts to peel away leaving the exposed weld beads on the rail.

        I come along and inspect the car for someone 3,000 miles away.

        Everyone is shocked this frame looks the way it does, cannot verify it belongs to the car because the vin stamp on the frame is illegible, or likely ground off becasue it was no longer a match to the vin tag on the car.

        Present owner is shocked this is the case, and sees the value diminishing.

        Potential buyer walks away.

        Sad ending.......



        • Tom B.
          Very Frequent User
          • February 28, 1978
          • 720

          Re: 59 (style) frame under a 58

          I would say you have it pegged. Too bad for the unsuspecting owner but it could be a blessing for a buyer that wanted to set the body on a custom chassis.



          • Richard M.
            Super Moderator
            • August 31, 1988
            • 11249

            Re: 59 (style) frame under a 58

            So the potential 3000 miles away is happy I found the issues with the car and in fact walked away abruptly.

            Now I have a dilemma. I'm thinking about it. I have a 62 rolling frame left over from my 62 project collection. I just sold the project car and have $15k work of C1 parts left over that I am going to keep. The spare 62 frame is of no use to me now. My 62 buyer plans to use his spare 58 frame and modify into a 62 frame for the 62 project, which is missing 5% of it's original frame due to serious rust.

            Hmmmmmm, maybe I should buy the 58, trade the 62 buyer my 62 frame for his 58 frame, and we both have the right stuff underneath the the cars.

            I return the 58 to it's original silver blue exterior color, 2 tops, 2 fours(my favorite combo), etc, etc.......

            Amazing predicament!

            Attached Files


            • Tom D.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • September 30, 1981
              • 2110

              Re: 59 (style) frame under a 58

              Beautiful interior!
              Michigan Chapter
              Tom Dingman


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