judging clutch pedal question 63-67

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  • Jim R.
    Very Frequent User
    • July 1, 2001
    • 643

    judging clutch pedal question 63-67

    do they take points away if you have your clutch pedal in the short throw position as they do for the 4speed short throw.
  • Bill W.
    Very Frequent User
    • November 1, 1977
    • 402

    Re: judging clutch pedal question 63-67

    Short throw on clutch or shifter is no problem UNLESS you are attempting a PV. Bill


    • Jim R.
      Very Frequent User
      • July 1, 2001
      • 643

      Re: judging clutch pedal question 63-67

      Thanks Bill.


      • Wayne M.
        • March 1, 1980
        • 6414

        Re: judging clutch pedal question 63-67

        Originally posted by Bill Wilhelm (1600)
        Short throw on clutch or shifter is no problem UNLESS you are attempting a PV. Bill
        Bill -- I realize that the '65 judging guide does not specifically mention high or low pedal adjustment, but to be consistent with the paragraph below, IMHO, there should be a flight deduct for non-TFP. Same for the shifter rods being inserted in the lower holes on the trans sidecover [1-2, 3-4] levers for a short throw (ie. not TFP). If the judge can read the maincase and sidecover casting numbers, he/she can see where the rods insert.

        The above items should be treated the same as for the quick steering. '65 TIM&JG says "Steering Knuckle .... non-PS cars use hole furthest from the spindle on the tie-rod ends". So there is (should be) a deduct [or at least a mention] of TFP for those manual steering cars with the N40-quick steer hole being used.
        Last edited by Wayne M.; May 12, 2010, 03:32 PM.


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