Anyone running 2 1/4 ID side exhaust 65 SB

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  • Jim R.
    Very Frequent User
    • July 1, 2001
    • 643

    Anyone running 2 1/4 ID side exhaust 65 SB

    Was wondering if anyone has the hp side exhaust from allens or mc and how they liked the sound.
  • Edward S.
    • December 1, 1986
    • 514

    Re: Anyone running 2 1/4 ID side exhaust 65 SB

    Since no one has answered yet I thought I would relate my dealings with the Allen product even though a have a 65 BB - I replaced my side pipes about 3 yrs. ago with Allens, bought them over the phone and then picked them up at Carlisle. At the time I bought them I am sure that they were available with 3 different levels of sound - lower than original, same as original and louder than original. Since I am losing my hearing anyway I ordered louder, which they are. If I drive anywhere more than an hour or so you must remember to talk to me in sign lang., I really love them. However I know their not for everybody - sorry I don't know anyone with a SB that has pipes. The only bad thing about them is that my Mother always knows what time I get home. Good luck.


    • Edward S.
      • December 1, 1986
      • 514

      Re: Anyone running 2 1/4 ID side exhaust 65 SB

      I forgot to mention I have a coupe ( which you would not have to worry about ) I have been in other BB Coupes that do not have them, it's unreal how much cooler the interior is when you have no pipes running under your car.


      • Patrick T.
        • October 1, 1999
        • 1286

        Re: Anyone running 2 1/4 ID side exhaust 65 SB

        Originally posted by Jim Reinarts (36423)
        Was wondering if anyone has the hp side exhaust from allens or mc and how they liked the sound.
        I bought a pair of Allen's SS sidepipes to replace my factory installed side exhaust. I had them on my car for about a month and then I couldn't stand the noise anymore and sold them at Carlisle. They must have been twice as loud as my stock sidepipes, which will now stay on permanently. PT


        • Edward S.
          • December 1, 1986
          • 514

          Re: Anyone running 2 1/4 ID side exhaust 65 SB

          Just moving you up towards the top again.


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