C1 Third Arm Bearing Removal....My Version - NCRS Discussion Boards

C1 Third Arm Bearing Removal....My Version

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  • Richard M.
    Super Moderator
    • August 31, 1988
    • 11249

    C1 Third Arm Bearing Removal....My Version

    I did this 20+ years ago on my 59 but lost all of the gadgets I must have had to do it. So.............

    Credits and kudos to Joe Calcagno and his repair article for the idea. My version is a variation of stuff you can get locally. Joe's link:

    I got all of the stuff at the local Home Depot. The threads on the 3rd arm stud are 3/4-16(fine) and HD has none but I used a 3/4-10 coupler and welded a fine thread extra nut I had to it as shown. The 3 1/2" round electric box fits perfectly over the housing. A 1 1/4" x 4" galvanized nipple was the right size for the coupler assy. Hold the bolt and turn the jam nut down on the pipe assy and it pulls right out.......errr, well it was pretty tight. A few lights taps with a hammer on the side housing helps get the first "break free" snap to happen too. This bearing was in pretty bad shape inside. Lots of crunchies going on.

    Attached Files
    Last edited by Richard M.; April 15, 2010, 10:10 AM.
  • John F.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 23, 2008
    • 2391

    Re: C1 Third Arm Bearing Removal....My Version

    Great job and info!

    John F


    • Richard M.
      Super Moderator
      • August 31, 1988
      • 11249

      Re: C1 Third Arm Bearing Removal....My Version

      Attached pdf of the parts list thanks to Dave Zuberer.
      Attached Files


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