Good Evening I Have A 1957 Corvette And Decided To Have The Gauges Restored. When I Took The Car For A Ride For The First Time. The Temp. And Fuel Gauges Fogged Up. I Called The Rebuider And He Said That This Is Typical Because There Are Heating Elements Which Cause Them To Fog Up Due To The Rapid Change In Temperature. That Is Hard For Me To Believe. Your Comments! Thanks
RE: 1957 fuel and temperature guage
Re: 1957 fuel and temperature guage
Roy, Thanks For Your Input. The Problem Also Occurs During Daylite Hours When I Pull The Car Out Of The Gargage. There Is Only A 15 Or So Degree Diffreence. Did This Problem Occur When This Cars Were New?- Top
Re: 1957 fuel and temperature guage
It's the gages being cold and ether the dash lights or weather is warmer which causes the gages (metal) to warm up and creates condensation . Remember the air inside is trapped having no VENTED hole air . It's just a normal thing when the trapped air is not the same temp as the outside air. If there was a vent hole in the housing it would stop, that's why cars where the gages are open to the air don't do that that are not closed
Yes even when new they had the same problem!- Top
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