C2 Splash Shield Differences - NCRS Discussion Boards

C2 Splash Shield Differences

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  • Ronald L.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • October 18, 2009
    • 3248

    C2 Splash Shield Differences

    Does any one know why these shields are different? Model year etc?

    A picture is worth 1000 words see the three pictures...

    LH - I am seeing a body attach hole difference driven by the width of the shield.

    RH - should be Big Block in both cases, but again on parts off cars there is about 3/4 inch difference in the attachment to body with all frame attach holes the same side to side.

    Attached Files
  • John C.
    • December 31, 2004
    • 616

    Re: C2 Splash Shield Differences


    I can't help you with the differences you see in the first two pictures, but in the third you show a right hand mid year shield compared to a early 1968 shield.

    I've attached a picture of my 68 shields for comparison. Unlike mid years, the early 68 shields were the same shape for left and right. These were replaced by white plastic shields of a completely different shape latter in the 68 model year.

    Attached Files


    • Greg T.
      • December 31, 2003
      • 136

      Re: C2 Splash Shield Differences

      In your first picture the shield on the left appears to be a right hand splash shield for a small block. Note the bracket that rivets to the transmission tunnel. The one on the right is a left hand shield. The cutout is for the parking brake cable. Look at Long Island Corvette online catalog for pictures. The others may be for a big block RH.


      • Ronald L.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • October 18, 2009
        • 3248

        Re: C2 Splash Shield Differences

        Thanks guys, I will check, the 1st should over lay the C2 shield in the second picture - left one. The right one in the 2nd picture is a 68 shield.


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