65 FI 380 throttle stud and swivel - NCRS Discussion Boards

65 FI 380 throttle stud and swivel

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  • Tom P.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 31, 1980
    • 1812

    Re: 65 FI 380 throttle stud and swivel

    Originally posted by Bruce Bursten (27670)
    Nice fix on the bellcrank.
    Is that a 62 air meter on you early finned plenum FI unit?
    Bruce B
    Yes it is.
    The entire FI unit is a hybrid of various components and modifications. The most significant mod is the plenum. It was cut in half (down through the center fins) by Bill Thomas about 1961, HEAVILY hogged out, then welded back together. The purpose was to increase flow through the runners and improve upper rpm performance. Seems to work.


    • Richard G.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • July 31, 1984
      • 1711

      Re: 65 FI 380 throttle stud and swivel

      Another idea would be to bore the linkage for a bushing but not all the way through. Leave 1/2 inch at the end farthest from the stud mounting side. Drill and ream to size and add bushing to flush with the end. Bell crank would have to be disassembled to see the bushing end. I am confident this would work will for the hard core guys.
      Best of luck however this issue is tackled.


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