75 Tach Wiring

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  • Greg G.
    • March 15, 2010
    • 2

    75 Tach Wiring

    I am installing a 75 tach in a 74. Can anyone tell me the configuration of the wiring on the back of the tach. I know that there is power ground and signal, but I can't find the configuration. Thanks
  • Ken A.
    Very Frequent User
    • August 1, 1986
    • 929

    Re: 75 Tach Wiring

    Look closely at the circuit board, it is marked-if it is the correct board.


    • Greg G.
      • March 15, 2010
      • 2

      Re: 75 Tach Wiring

      Thanks Ken, All of the books and schematics show the color codes which are, pink (power) black (ground) and brown (signal) but not the arrangement in the plug. Not a difficult set up but confusing. Thanks again for the relply. Greg


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