Help Request: Fresh Air Duct Clamp Installation

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  • Eric V.
    • November 1, 1974
    • 53

    Help Request: Fresh Air Duct Clamp Installation

    Attached are a couple of pictures of a clamp I bought from Country Corvettes many years ago to clamp the ends of the 4" corrugated flexible fresh air duct used on C1s. I cannot figure out how this clamp is supposed to be used, i.e. in what way/manner should the free end of the strap be inserted into screw fitting on the other end of the strap? How does the clamp exert compression force on the duct? Any help will be appreciated.

    Eric V.
    Attached Files
  • John F.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 24, 2008
    • 2388

    Re: Help Request: Fresh Air Duct Clamp Installation

    It appears you thread it through and snug it up, then tighten. The tightening will force the top side and crimp it in place. These fresh air hose almost stay on by themsleves w/o a clamp. You don't need to overtighten the screw. It's not like we all like to do to a radiator hose. It jus t holds it on.



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