WOW a real part cheaper then repro - NCRS Discussion Boards

WOW a real part cheaper then repro

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  • Roy B.
    • January 31, 1975
    • 7044

    WOW a real part cheaper then repro

    Two people needing a real part and it even has the logo
  • Steve B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • February 28, 2002
    • 1188

    Re: WOW a real part cheaper then repro

    There's still 24 hours left, so it may go higher.


    • Roy B.
      • January 31, 1975
      • 7044

      Re: WOW a real part cheaper then repro

      I may buy it my self $100.00 if I can , you dont see a real one every day.


      • Troy P.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • January 31, 1989
        • 1279

        Re: WOW a real part cheaper then repro

        I've heard that not all the early hood supports had any kind or logo or patent number on them. Is that correct?


        • Roy B.
          • January 31, 1975
          • 7044

          Re: WOW a real part cheaper then repro

          Originally posted by Troy Pyles (14528)
          I've heard that not all the early hood supports had any kind or logo or patent number on them. Is that correct?
          Yes there mostly on 53 to 55 and later no logo ,WHY I dont know
          The one e-bay I posted sold for $308.00 so some one knows what it is.
          Last edited by Roy B.; March 14, 2010, 09:23 PM.


          • Steven B.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • June 30, 1982
            • 3948

            Re: WOW a real part cheaper then repro

            I am still waiting to see a set of, or a single, '57 hood hinges that has not had the holes elongated. I guess no one knew how to adjust the fit of the hood.


            • Roy B.
              • January 31, 1975
              • 7044

              Re: WOW a real part cheaper then repro

              Keep checking e-bay I've seen a set now and then. I also see many hinges for sale with the holes all cut out bad and on to many 53 to 57 too. I've been asked and done a classes on body fit and may be some day I'll be asked to hold one on hood operation.I know it's hard to understand how to adjust them but once they do it quite simple.


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