N-11 Exhaust Question.

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  • Greg D.
    • July 1, 2004
    • 62

    Re: N-11 Exhaust Question.

    Yes I did. Another NCRS member who coincidentally is in Southern California near me has some. I believe they may be Walkers which to the best of my understanding may have been GM over the counter replacements. But they were not Arvins - which were the MFG for original N11's


    • Alan D.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • January 1, 2005
      • 2016

      Re: N-11 Exhaust Question.

      Believe the NOS or over the counter stuff was still Arvins - part numbers end in "A" Lots of past discussions on these numbers.
      Comments about purchasing all from a single source make a lot of sense. Tried to just purchase front pipes for my N11 from CC and they were wrong (even took pictures of original v CC), however "thats what the computer bends and they always work." So expect same rational from any vendor if part does not fit.

      I would however take a chance on just the muffler if you plan to weld like original. I've heard Dan's and would say the sound is right on the money.

      Assume the new pipes with a N11 system have been flattened correctly so check your pipes for that feature.


      • John H.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • December 1, 1997
        • 16513

        Re: N-11 Exhaust Question.

        Originally posted by Dan Holstein (1440)
        Greg, have you tried to get NOS N11 mufflers only? I believe they sold them that way also.
        Dan -

        The N-11 mufflers were only serviced as a complete assembly of the intermediate pipe and the welded muffler, as supplied to production.


        • Dan H.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • August 1, 1977
          • 1361

          Re: N-11 Exhaust Question.

          Originally posted by John Hinckley (29964)
          Dan -

          The N-11 mufflers were only serviced as a complete assembly of the intermediate pipe and the welded muffler, as supplied to production.
          Thanks John, I had bought an NOS set in the 80's and they indeed came welded up to the pipe. I have had several members mentioning having the mufflers only, so I assumed they were sold later as a muffler only?
          1964 Red FI Coupe, DUNTOV '09
          Drove the 64 over 5000 miles to three Regionals and the San Jose National, one dust storm and 40 lbs of bugs!


          • John H.
            Beyond Control Poster
            • December 1, 1997
            • 16513

            Re: N-11 Exhaust Question.

            Originally posted by Dan Holstein (1440)
            Thanks John, I had bought an NOS set in the 80's and they indeed came welded up to the pipe. I have had several members mentioning having the mufflers only, so I assumed they were sold later as a muffler only?
            Dan -

            The Walker-manufactured production mufflers were always available separately (the only way they were available), but as far as I know, the Arvin-manufactured N-11's were only available as a welded assembly; that's how they're shown on the Arvin drawings as Service parts.


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