Beauty of belonging to NCRS

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  • Mike M.
    NCRS Past President
    • June 1, 1974
    • 8331

    Beauty of belonging to NCRS

    couple weeks ago, i requested info on installing a top on our 55. Bob Johnson of california offered and sent an old AL Knoch Vidio. it came and a note instructed me to pass it on to others in need in the future. Bob sent it on the cuff. i'll get it put on a Disc and then pass copies on to the chapters i belong to. Al knock wants > $70 for a copy. mike
  • Steven B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • July 1, 1982
    • 3936

    Re: Beauty of belonging to NCRS

    I know what you are saying Mike. Over the years and as recent as a couple of weeks ago I have requested info. on parts and sources. Over and over I have received parts at the price members have paid themselves with no markup and also at no charge (free) to me, not even postage/shipping when they could have made a handsome profit. Members have offered room and board while in their areas and opened their car (s) for inspection. Many unselfishly give their time, knowledge, and resources to help others, many they may have never met. This is truly a sharing group of people. That is what makes this organization so strong and so great to be a member of. Mike, the video to you was payment for what you have done for others.

    Thanks to all!

    Last edited by Steven B.; March 4, 2010, 11:45 AM.


    • Dick W.
      Former NCRS Director Region IV
      • July 1, 1985
      • 10483

      Re: Beauty of belonging to NCRS

      Ya better check out the copywrite on the video Doc. Ya might git into trouble copying it.
      Dick Whittington


      • Joseph K.
        • August 27, 2008
        • 407

        Re: Beauty of belonging to NCRS

        Good Point.. Better safe than sorry


        • Roy B.
          • February 1, 1975
          • 7044

          Re: Beauty of belonging to NCRS

          It's the great people that make any organization ,I've asked about a part and have had some one offer or send it to me , and I've done the same . Remember what goes around comes around .


          • Tom S.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • March 1, 2004
            • 1087

            Re: Beauty of belonging to NCRS

            I have passed on parts that I no longer need to others. I think its good to help others when you can. And besides I am selfish,I do it because it makes me feel good!And I agree it's great to be part of this organization. I am trying to get my son involved, but I don't get much of an answer. Tom


            • Jim W.
              Frequent User
              • November 1, 1994
              • 94

              Re: Beauty of belonging to NCRS

              Well belonging to NCRS is a really great way to hopefully find and restore our beloved Corvettes. Foe quite awhile I've had a perfect, like new 78 to 82 exhaust emissions valve and a seven blade radiator fan and with the GM clutch.

              I've had them from the time I restored my 1979 L-48 and had it flight judged. I trying to find someone who could use them, but I haven't had any luck. There free to a good home, but it seems a good home isn't anywhere around.
              Each day is a gift, respect it, and enjoy it as if it were the last!


              • Dick W.
                Former NCRS Director Region IV
                • July 1, 1985
                • 10483

                Re: Beauty of belonging to NCRS

                To me NCRS is somewhat of a brotherhood of like minded people. For the most part over the 25+ years we have belonged we have met some of the best people on earth. People is what it is all about, the cars are just a means to bring them together. Look forward to a few more year, dues are paid until 2017
                Dick Whittington


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