Dateo on power steering ram

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  • Brad S.
    • August 1, 2005
    • 227

    Dateo on power steering ram

    My 69/69 LG says that power steering rams were dated with a DDD YY system. The date on the cylinder that came off my car is just 078 (March 20). Which would be about right for my June built car 22242 With the strike from early April to early June. I figure my car was scheduled to be built about the time the strike started. Does any one think this could be the correct cylinder for my car that someway the year didn't get stamped? Thanks for any help.
  • Graeme B.
    Very Frequent User
    • October 24, 2007
    • 213

    Re: Dateo on power steering ram

    Hi Brad, sounds correct to me. My ram has 128 on it and the car is 25045.
    hope this helps,Graeme.


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