Regional Judging Meet Queston...

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  • Michael W.
    • April 1, 1997
    • 4290

    Re: Regional Judging Meet Queston...

    Dick, is it also true that you were one of the members that proposed we not crawl all the way underneath to see transmission details?


    • Dick W.
      Former NCRS Director Region IV
      • July 1, 1985
      • 10483

      Re: Regional Judging Meet Queston...

      Originally posted by Michael Ward (29001)
      Dick, is it also true that you were one of the members that proposed we not crawl all the way underneath to see transmission details?
      Don't know about that Michael, but you can bet this fat butt will never be able to get that far under a car.
      Dick Whittington


      • Michael J.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • January 27, 2009
        • 7032

        Re: Regional Judging Meet Queston...

        Originally posted by Patrick Hulst (16386)

        If you're going to swap from "driving parts" to "show parts" do it Thursday when you arrive.

        Been there, done that.
        Great, I wondered how they did it. Good advice to follow, and allow time for the radiator to cool to put the RC-15 on to replace the cap that works. Got it!
        Big Tanks In the High Mountains of New Mexico


        • Terry M.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • October 1, 1980
          • 15541

          Re: Regional Judging Meet Queston...

          Originally posted by Dick Whittington (8804)
          When you have been around as long as Terry and myself, you can put car owners names to most of the rules. The rules are a result of "opportunities" that have come up over the years. Example..the rule about performance enhancing changes on PV cars. That was written due to some (me) of us using MSD boxes, coils, and plug wires when we PV'ed our cars. Trust me, the rules were not made just to be making rules.
          When I wrote my response I was considering adding something along the lines of what you posted, but it was late and I was tired. You did it far better than I could have. I might have insulted someone, and you said it elegantly and with humor. Nice job Dickie.

          And Michael I won't be crawling under any Corvettes any time soon either.


          • Patrick T.
            • October 1, 1999
            • 1286

            Re: Regional Judging Meet Queston...

            Originally posted by Dick Whittington (8804)
            Trust me, the rules were not made just to be making rules.
            Yes, you guys are correct, I erred in my quick assessment and have deleted that sentence from my post. PT


            • John D.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • December 1, 1979
              • 5507

              Re: Regional Judging Meet Queston...

              At the Seven Springs regionals all the ops test were done before the cars entered the building. Now if a car was driven to the resort it had plenty of time to cool down before ops.
              Say your engine is still a tad warm for ops. Instead of complaining about it just quietly open the hood and set the fast idle to high stop of cam. The start the car up and let it sit on fast idle a tad. Nothing to it.

              Now remember this at an outdoor event. Those old FI cars will be sitting in the sun. Or possibly in pouring down rain. Meanwhile if it's a nice sunny day then the cold enrichement (so called choke) in the 57 to 61 cars will go off fast idle all by itself with the engine off. So give those guys a break as ain't the cars fault.


              • Terry M.
                Beyond Control Poster
                • October 1, 1980
                • 15541

                Re: Regional Judging Meet Queston...

                Originally posted by Patrick Tighe (33001)
                I'm having my car judged at the Gettysburg Regional in May. I have to have my car there on Thursday to get registered and they make sure all my papers are in order. All the cars have to be in place by 5PM on Thursday. My car is not getting judged till Saturday though.

                My question is when I bring my car in to register it on Thursday, do they do the Ops check at that time or do they do the Ops on Saturday and do they do a cold start test? Thanks, PT
                As a generalization outdoor regionals do the operations checks on the day the car is judged, and indoor regionals do the ops check before all the cars are moved inside. BUT, and this is the big one, one ought to assUme nothing. Ask the meet officials. Their contact information is, or should be, on the meet registration forms.


                • Patrick T.
                  • October 1, 1999
                  • 1286

                  Re: Regional Judging Meet Queston...

                  Originally posted by Terry McManmon (3966)
                  Patrick don't you want to be with your car when it is judged? Most folks do, and the judges will find it a PITA to chase you down if you are judging elsewhere when your car is being judged.

                  BTW: There is a requirement your car cover be removed during judging, even if your car is not being judged that day.
                  Terry, yes I certainly want to be with my car during judging. It seems the rules can vary between a Regional Meet and a Chapter Meet. Last October, I had my '67 judged at a chapter meet but I also helped judge other cars, not mine. Apparently this is not the case with Regional Judging. This will be my first Regional meet, hence my confusion with all the rules. I will read up on it today. Thanks, PT


                  • Patrick T.
                    • October 1, 1999
                    • 1286

                    Re: Regional Judging Meet Queston...

                    Originally posted by Dick Whittington (8804)
                    When you have been around as long as Terry and myself, you can put car owners names to most of the rules. The rules are a result of "opportunities" that have come up over the years. Example..the rule about performance enhancing changes on PV cars. That was written due to some (me) of us using MSD boxes, coils, and plug wires when we PV'ed our cars. Trust me, the rules were not made just to be making rules.
                    Dick, yes I'll admit that I acted "stupidly" when typing the post at 2:05 AM. Now when is the "Beer Summit"?


                    • Erv M.
                      Very Frequent User
                      • February 21, 2007
                      • 445

                      Re: Regional Judging Meet Queston...

                      Glad to hear you are driving it to the meet!!!


                      • Terry M.
                        Beyond Control Poster
                        • October 1, 1980
                        • 15541

                        Re: Regional Judging Meet Queston...

                        Originally posted by Patrick Tighe (33001)
                        Terry, yes I certainly want to be with my car during judging. It seems the rules can vary between a Regional Meet and a Chapter Meet. Last October, I had my '67 judged at a chapter meet but I also helped judge other cars, not mine. Apparently this is not the case with Regional Judging. This will be my first Regional meet, hence my confusion with all the rules. I will read up on it today. Thanks, PT
                        The only rules here are that you NOT judge your own car, and that you be present when your car is judged -- "present" is defined as being at the meet.

                        Chapter meets will sometimes "encourage" car owners to judge because of a lack of sufficient judges or a lack of skilled judges. Usually there is no lack of skilled judges at regional meets -- BUT there can be exceptions to these generalizations.

                        I was once at a chapter meet with the National Judging Chairman and ALL of the National Team Leaders. A chapter arranged their meet on the Sunday following a National Board Meeting, and they made sure we all knew about their meet. I am not so sure how the owners felt, but in the end we all had a lot of fun -- and there was no shortage of skilled judges. Although I judged a 1973 or 1974 that gave me some challenges.


                        • Howard W.
                          Very Frequent User
                          • December 1, 1998
                          • 121

                          Re: Regional Judging Meet Queston...

                          Patrick; Unless you have already received confirmation that your car will be judged on Saturday don't count on it. Since 67's usually have full classes they are often mixed (BB and SB) on Friday and Saturday.


                          • Don Z.
                            • September 1, 1998
                            • 254

                            Re: Regional Judging Meet Queston...

                            Patrict, Howard is correct. The '67 is full. If you have submited application you should be hearing if your car will be judged. I received my confirmation a few days ago for my '66.
                            I was at a tech session on the 20th and word there was the 67's were full with a waiting list of about 6 or 7. They did not specify if it was all 67's or the combination of big/small block.


                            • Patrick T.
                              • October 1, 1999
                              • 1286

                              Re: Regional Judging Meet Queston...

                              A few days ago, I received an email from the MAC Judging Chairman which said that my '67 has been accepted for judging at the meet, so it appears I'm good to go.


                              • Don Z.
                                • September 1, 1998
                                • 254

                                Re: Regional Judging Meet Queston...

                                Best of Luck Patrick


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