'67 M21 Muncie transmission build date... - NCRS Discussion Boards

'67 M21 Muncie transmission build date...

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  • Patrick T.
    • September 30, 1999
    • 1286

    '67 M21 Muncie transmission build date...

    Just when I thought I had everything figured out, now the transmission #'s come into play. My M-21 close ratio 4 speed has my VIN stamped into it. The brass tag attached to it is #3880853. The date code stamped is P7P23. What date does this equate to? Thanks PT
  • Joseph T.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 28, 1986
    • 169

    Re: '67 M21 Muncie transmission build date...

    September 23. 1966.


    • Patrick T.
      • September 30, 1999
      • 1286

      Re: '67 M21 Muncie transmission build date...

      Thanks Joseph, the September 23, 1966 date you gave me is the one I came up with too but seems kind of early for my car, since it's a July 6th build date. I thought maybe I was decoding the number wrong but apparently not.

      The car was built during the last two weeks of the '67 production year and VIN stamped on it looks like a typical factory stamp. I've been told that around this time of year, the factory tries to get rid of the leftover parts they still have from that year. When they stored the transmissions, they were sorted out but I don't think they rotated their stock, as they didn't have a "sell by" date.

      So it could be conceivable that two weeks from the end of the '67 production, the workers were cleaning out all of the '67 parts storage areas to make way for the '68 production year parts. My transmission could have been sitting way in the back of the bin and was pulled when the order came in for a car that needed an M-21 close ratio transmission. Does that sound feasible? Thanks, PT


      • William C.
        • July 15, 2009
        • 239

        Re: '67 M21 Muncie transmission build date...

        P7P23 P=muncie, 7=1967, P=Sept, 23=23rd day, tag is correct for M21


        • William C.
          NCRS Past President
          • May 31, 1975
          • 6037

          Re: '67 M21 Muncie transmission build date...

          The end of model cleanout is pretty common, I once owned a last week of production '72 with a carb dated about 10 months before the car build. First in-last out was pretty obvious near the end of a model run for some parts, especially low volume options. Car was a 454 with a/c and 4 spd.
          Bill Clupper #618


          • Wayne M.
            • February 29, 1980
            • 6414

            Re: '67 M21 Muncie transmission build date...

            For those interested in other month code stampings, starting with the 1967 model year, A thru E equals the usual January thru May.

            H,K,M,P,R,S,T are the month assembly codes for June thru December, respectively.


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