1965 Rally red paint

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  • Sander B.
    • March 1, 2005
    • 499

    1965 Rally red paint

    i am trying to get the correct as possible color rally red
    my painter/paint supplier has the brand Spies Hacker.

    i found several codes on the internet of ppg,dupont,akzo.....etc....ect
    next week i will go to my supplier to see if we can cross reference these codes.

    but maybe someone knows the right recipe for Rally red ?
    so he could make it, if no luck with finding the code ?

    thanks Sander,
  • Rich P.
    • January 12, 2009
    • 1361

    Re: 1965 Rally red paint


    if you wan a "REAL" match codes are worthless as materials have changed so much over the years. What you need to do is have a custom blend made from an original sample. If you have any areas to take a sample from ,like the interior. That would be the best place to start.

    Just my 2 cents. Rich


    • Edward J.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • September 16, 2008
      • 6939

      Re: 1965 Rally red paint

      Rich, is tool that the panit mixers use a type of camera. and how close does the match get, the reason I ask is I would like to paint my headlamp door, but would like a match.

      Sander, I not trying to high jack your post. I to am curious to Richs response.
      New England chapter member, 63 Convert. 327/340- Chapter/Regional/national Top Flight, 72 coupe- chapter and regional Top Flight.


      • Rich P.
        • January 12, 2009
        • 1361

        Re: 1965 Rally red paint

        Originally posted by Edward Johnson (49497)
        Rich, is tool that the panit mixers use a type of camera. and how close does the match get, the reason I ask is I would like to paint my headlamp door, but would like a match.

        Sander, I not trying to high jack your post. I to am curious to Richs response.
        good question and not a high jack of the thread it is very relvent to whats going on here...
        The Photo spectromiter as it is called will only come up with a close variant. In other words if you are lookng for rally red and you have the paint scanned it will come up with someting close now this could be a 1986 toyota corolla red but it wont be a dead on match you will still have to tint from there.



        • Sander B.
          • March 1, 2005
          • 499

          Re: 1965 Rally red paint

          Originally posted by Rich Pasqualone (49858)
          good question and not a high jack of the thread it is very relvent to whats going on here...
          The Photo spectromiter as it is called will only come up with a close variant. In other words if you are lookng for rally red and you have the paint scanned it will come up with someting close now this could be a 1986 toyota corolla red but it wont be a dead on match you will still have to tint from there.

          ok Rich so the 86 toyota color would be a close match ?
          i know getting the exact color as back in 65 would nearly impossible

          is the rally red a darker red than the 63/64 riverside red ?
          the current color it had was darker and not sure it was correct rally red



          • Sander B.
            • March 1, 2005
            • 499

            Re: 1965 Rally red paint

            are the others who used a different color that came close to rally red ?
            if so can you provide the color code/name

            thanks Sander,


            • Paul J.
              • September 10, 2008
              • 2091

              Re: 1965 Rally red paint

              Originally posted by Sander Van Ballegooij (43500)
              is the rally red a darker red than the 63/64 riverside red ?
              the current color it had was darker and not sure it was correct rally red


              The Riverside Red has an orange tint to it. The Rally Red is more red.



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