Long time engine rebuilders or mechanics, GM employees - NCRS Discussion Boards

Long time engine rebuilders or mechanics, GM employees

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  • Jack P.
    • March 19, 2009
    • 1135

    Long time engine rebuilders or mechanics, GM employees


    Many of you know of my 48 state trip in my 66 L79 roadster, to meet long time owners of corvettes this summer for research on the relationship between man (woman) and car.

    I would also like to include any engine re-builders and mechanics, GM assembly workers and supervisors, who worked on these cars in the 50's to 80's and even the present.

    Without your help and work , many of these cars would not have made it to the present time.

    You are as much a part of the story as the owners
    ( many of you are long time owners)

    If you would like to be part of the story, please PM with contact information so that I can put you on my trip map.

  • Jack P.
    • March 19, 2009
    • 1135

    Re: Long time engine rebuilders or mechanics, GM employees

    I had planned a cross country with my car 36 years ago. Just me and the car, a little money and lots of time on my hands. Well..... just before I was to leave, " The real world got in the way "

    36 years later, I have the opportunity with the same car to make that trip. Using all the forums and the members help, I have my car almost restored to make the trip. I started to deal with many others like myself who have owned their cars through thick and thin times. In traveling across the country , I thought it would be interesting to meet these people and hear their story. Life and the Car and the relationship over the many years.

    So, my trip has grown a bit and I can't wait to get started. I will have a blog and will update forums daily as I progress. I will suggest to Members who would like me to stop by, to start thinking back over the years to when they first bought car and all car events(crashes, no money to fix, etc) over the years. At the same time, think back to events in your life that ran parallel to the car events and how the two intertwined.

    What common characteristics do long term owners have? Finding answers to these questions as I drive over 10 or 12 thousand miles , meeting interesting people, having a few beers, sounds like a great way to spend 3 months.

    Hope that gives you some insight into my trip, plus... just think, every day I get to jump into my car and just drive.......... top down, highway in front, and pure joy of driving down the road...



    • M W.
      • July 31, 2001
      • 835

      Re: Long time engine rebuilders or mechanics, GM employees

      Kinda of like Forest Gump. One day he started running and ran clear across the country and back. Play some great tunes and enjoy every minute of it. If you make to NC let me know. Maybe we can share a few moments together.

      All the best,


      • Jack P.
        • March 19, 2009
        • 1135

        Re: Long time engine rebuilders or mechanics, GM employees

        Originally posted by M. Craig Willetts (36551)
        Kinda of like Forest Gump. One day he started running and ran clear across the country and back. Play some great tunes and enjoy every minute of it. If you make to NC let me know. Maybe we can share a few moments together.

        All the best,
        Hi Craig,

        PM with contact info, address, phone , email, and I will put you on map and will be able to update you on trip progress

        A 61 white/ black interior was my first corvette. Bought it in 1969 $900 and I paid too much. Only had it 6 months when it caught fire and burned, (my fault, no air cleaner put on to test new carb)

        Bought 66 with insurance money and bank loan for $2,100 .



        • Terry M.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • September 30, 1980
          • 15544

          Re: Long time engine rebuilders or mechanics, GM employees

          If you are serious about your search for former GM automotive engineers you will never get out of Michigan, Arizona (Sedona), and Florida. I think I saw half of them at the meet in Kissimmee.


          • Jack P.
            • March 19, 2009
            • 1135

            Re: Long time engine rebuilders or mechanics, GM employees

            Originally posted by Terry McManmon (3966)
            If you are serious about your search for former GM automotive engineers you will never get out of Michigan, Arizona (Sedona), and Florida. I think I saw half of them at the meet in Kissimmee.

            I know, the mid-west is going to be difficult to manage. Lots of people to see and little time. I hope that some of the local members will help coordinate a few group meetings for me. Much of the information I need from participants in the research , I can get from emails prior to trip. The personal visit will go a lot faster with the boiler plate stuff done before I arrive.

            I want members who I am visiting or others that may participate and I will not be able to see because of scheduling can start now by doing the following.

            Do not send to me now!

            I would like you to start jotting down on paper a time line.

            One side (of paper) :

            has events dealing with the car. ( dreams of buying it) buying it, crashes, fixes , special times driving it, racing etc.

            Other side of paper and parallel in time:

            Life events: Births, marriage , deaths, divorce , work , jobs , location moves etc.

            As you write these events down, think how the two (event lines ) intertwined . How did your relationship with car and life mix and it must have because you still own the car, and maybe you're not with the wife or husband or what ever. It is that relationship and the common bond between " us " (long time owners) that I am exploring.

            Don't send this to me yet. Just start thinking about it over the next few months.



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