differential pumkin color??

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  • John R.
    Infrequent User
    • September 1, 1993
    • 7

    differential pumkin color??

    i am building a ncrs 1958 vette. what is the color of the differential pumkin ??? black or unpainted??? thanks !!!
  • Dan H.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 1, 1977
    • 1361

    Re: differential pumkin color??

    Whole assembly is black, drums, e-brake cables, etc.
    1964 Red FI Coupe, DUNTOV '09
    Drove the 64 over 5000 miles to three Regionals and the San Jose National, one dust storm and 40 lbs of bugs!


    • Mike G.
      • August 1, 2002
      • 709

      Re: differential pumkin color??

      painted black on the car. you could still see bare metal on tops of the springs in some places.


      • Dan H.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • August 1, 1977
        • 1361

        Re: differential pumkin color??

        When restoring an original 59, it was evident that the entire rear suspension was painted with the el cheapo black chassis paint, it was easily removed with gasoline. The top spring was painted silver but that too was covered with the black paint. They didn't miss much on blacking out rearend with springs and brake cables attached. Not pretty, but that would be what they originally looked like before the paint wore off.
        1964 Red FI Coupe, DUNTOV '09
        Drove the 64 over 5000 miles to three Regionals and the San Jose National, one dust storm and 40 lbs of bugs!


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