1963 Vent Window WS/Seal Replacement. Argh! - NCRS Discussion Boards

1963 Vent Window WS/Seal Replacement. Argh!

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  • Richard M.
    Super Moderator
    • August 31, 1988
    • 11249

    1963 Vent Window WS/Seal Replacement. Argh!

    Quite frustrated after about 1 1/2 hours of this and no help in the archives so here goes......

    I have the vent window assembly sticking out but can't get the bottom channel bracket out of the door. I figured I should've taken the window glass out to make it easier but the Service Manual states in order to remove the window glass, first take out the vent window assy! Is the book wrong?

    Once I get the vent assy out, do I have to drill out the lower L-bracket rivets to get the new seal in through the pivot shaft? The top connects with a phillips screw so that's easy.

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  • Timothy B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 30, 1983
    • 5174

    Re: 1963 Vent Window WS/Seal Replacement. Argh!


    Can you lower the vent assembly back down and turn it 180* so when it's lifted you have more leverage to angle the top back to remove. This way the top will not hit the door top. The assembly may need to come out the outside of the door.

    If that will not work, remove the rear vertical channel and remove the window to gain more room.
    Last edited by Timothy B.; January 17, 2010, 05:52 PM.


    • Richard M.
      Super Moderator
      • August 31, 1988
      • 11249

      Re: 1963 Vent Window WS/Seal Replacement. Argh!

      Ok, got it out. The book was right. Since I had the vent out of the way I was able to remove the window easily. Of course I had to spend an hour to fix the loose broken spot welded stud on the lower window frame front corner(rewelded it), and the glass was loose so I had to clean it out and re-glued it.

      Now....back to main objective. I have the vent assy on the bench. I need to remove the vent glass assy from the outer frame to replace the seal. This is required to get the regulator post through the seal. I'm thinking I need to drill the rivets on the hinge bracket(2nd pic), remove the frame through the bottom seal hole, and replace the seal and re-rivet the bracket using pop rivets.

      Does this make sense?

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      • Mike M.
        NCRS Past President
        • May 31, 1974
        • 8344

        Re: 1963 Vent Window WS/Seal Replacement. Argh!

        your drilling rivet approach is the correct way to replace the W/S. BTW, the door glass wasn't glued into the channel your repaired. it was installed with a rubberized(not cork) "bedding" strip available from aftermarket window trim shops. mike


        • Richard M.
          Super Moderator
          • August 31, 1988
          • 11249

          Re: 1963 Vent Window WS/Seal Replacement. Argh!

          Ok Thanks Mike.

          So I drilled out the 2 rivets. Now I have to install the new seal and rivet the bracket back on. Calling it quits now though.....too tired. Oh boy, I get to do it again on the right side too after all this practicing on the left.

          Yes I see the original window glass channel used that sticky seal. A bit dried up on this one. I used black silicone and it worked ok for me. Trying to get this task done, and a few others. Driving it to Kissimmee Thursday morning.

          p.s. Notice the snap-on screwdriver. Only used on Corvettes.
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          • Stuart F.
            • August 31, 1996
            • 4676

            Re: 1963 Vent Window WS/Seal Replacement. Argh!

            The windows are installed by typical "Glazing" process into the lift channel. I took mine to a window shop in 1976 and they are still working fine. Went through heck with the passenger side window on my convert in the late 60's dropping out. I repaired it then myself, but it came loose again so when I rehabed the doors in 76 I had an auto window shop pro re-glaze them.

            Stu fox


            • Richard M.
              Super Moderator
              • August 31, 1988
              • 11249

              Re: 1963 Vent Window WS/Seal Replacement. Argh!

              Tonight I just finished the drivers' side complete vent window and door glass weatherstrips, seals, front and upper/rear channels, lower rear corner supports, etc. Wow what a job! I have heard in the past how nasty this task is and now I see why. Besides the typical "repro" parts not fitting right in some cases and having to drill things because they didn't line up(like the door window outer wipe), this job was made worse by being my first time doing it. I estimate it took about 6 hours to do this job.

              In the morning I'll be starting the passenger side and hopefully will be better at it after the practice on the drivers side.



              • Timothy B.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • April 30, 1983
                • 5174

                Re: 1963 Vent Window WS/Seal Replacement. Argh!


                Did your outside window rubber wipes have clips spot welded to help attach the assembly to the door along with the screws.


                • Richard M.
                  Super Moderator
                  • August 31, 1988
                  • 11249

                  Re: 1963 Vent Window WS/Seal Replacement. Argh!

                  Tim.....Not sure if you're asking about the originals or my replacements, so I'll give you the info for both. There were no clips that you mention either on the originals or the repros.

                  Original Wipes- The rubber wipes were stapled in several places to the stainless outer trim. The assembly was attached to the door using 6 tiny flat head Phillips sheet metal screws. 6 pre-punched holes were in the trim, and the wipe, which has an integral flat metal bar and holes which line up with the holes in the trim. It appears that when attached to the door, holes were drilled into the upper outer metal door frame, lined up with the holes in the trim. The area of the door fame that gets drilled is not flat, and they missed in a few areas so the screws were above the edge of the metal. The far end screw(near the door handle end), also holds in the lower special bracket for the rear upper window channel. This bracket was a real pain also.

                  New Wipes- They had 4 pre-punched holes in them. Only the 2 end holes lined up with the end holes in the trim. I did not staple them to the trim. I had to drill 4 more holes in them, lining them up with the holes in the trim.
                  These wipes are for 63-67, so maybe later years used 4 holes, and 63 uses 6 holes.

                  p.s. I did the drivers side in about 2 hours. Also had to re-attach a loose side window channel as the adhesive strip was dried out.
                  This time I tried a different approach to get the vent window assembly out and was much easier. I pemoved the hardware for the vent assy and got it loose, then I raised the side glass, removed the nuts from the mount channel, and removed the rear track. This allowed the side glass to come out easier. I then took out the vent window assembly without fighting anything. It was tricky getting the rear channel out of the way but with some fiddling it came out.
                  I reversed the process to get everything back in, including wiggling the rear channel into place to get the side glass back in. This was after the vent assy was attached.


                  • Timothy B.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • April 30, 1983
                    • 5174

                    Re: 1963 Vent Window WS/Seal Replacement. Argh!

                    Rich, Your second attempt is the method I tried to explain in the earlier post.

                    I think 63 coupe is the only year where the back vertical channel is seperate in the door. The procedure I used is to install is the vent assembly first, then door glass and slide up. Next, the rear vertical channel and last door regulator. On a 63 it works great but like I stated it's the only year where the rear vertical is seperate from the top fuzzies.

                    The reason I explained the assembly first is because mine came to me apart.. As far as the stainless strips that attach the outer rubber wipes, the early cars had clips spot welded that slide up onto the door reinforcement then screws like you state. If you see evidence of rust and tiny spot welds the clips are long rusted away like mine..

                    I would like others to post pics of the clips and expand on this for 63 owners. Hard to believe these little screws held the assembly together.


                    • Richard M.
                      Super Moderator
                      • August 31, 1988
                      • 11249

                      Re: 1963 Vent Window WS/Seal Replacement. Argh!

                      Ok now I understand. It wasn't clear to me then, being so frustrated and all.

                      Here are a few pics of the wipe and channel for passenger side. Notice the modified channel corner piece, and the way they flattened the inner bead(like the JG talks about if I recall). The last pic is the top front of the channel, with bent corners to fall into the vertical top of the front channel. The reproduction part does NOT have this feature, because they cut it too short not allowing you to replicate the 2 little bends. Too bad they didn't think of that. What do you want for $100 a pair!

                      The factory did some interesting mods to the lower channel reinforcement corner. They also added another screw because they missed the hole to attach the last screw. I fixed their error 47 years later!

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                      • Richard M.
                        Super Moderator
                        • August 31, 1988
                        • 11249

                        Re: 1963 Vent Window WS/Seal Replacement. Argh!

                        More photos, last 3 of the new pieces. Last pic is the upper front corner of the channel, without the 2 tabs.

                        p.s.this car is mid production......#9664.
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