I like to drive my 65 with a cheeseburger in my mouth and if the fries get loose, the doberman in the middle will scoop them up and oh my god! Mom gave Jr a marker and he said " DADDY I WUV U" He has no idea he has a 53 Pedal Car with a custom cover waiting for him. You NCRS guys think twice because you have never ever seen a vette man like me and I will set you straight before you buy that project, etc. I know about the challenge of restoring a corvette. In my opinion every corvette has a story. From the time the first owner drove her out of the showroom or dealership she had a life of her own. Imagination is what Zora Had! My 65 is mine. I had to live the american dream to have her. Ted Spatz Family Lk Hopatcong NJ 07849
A warm Happy Holiday to all!