69 Alternator

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  • Dennis S.
    • April 1, 2004
    • 228

    69 Alternator

    Can anyone post a picture of the correct "clocking" and wiring harness routing for the alternator on my '69 L36? I've searched the archives, looked at Bizzoco's book and can't seem to find a definitive answer.

    The original 1100833 alternator is long gone. I have a replacement 1100545 alternator which I have been told is not "clocked" correctly. I also have a new Lectric Ltd harness with the support clip, and I would like to see the correct mounting of the clip and routing of the wires.

    I also noticed the ground wire terminal has a hole that is smaller than the bolt diameter that holds the clip, where I assume the ground is connected.
  • Jim H.
    • January 1, 2005
    • 52

    Re: 69 Alternator

    I have an original '69 L36/L68 Alternator 1100825 correct for my car - L36 with Tri power; K66. The clock is at 9 o'clock. I can send a picture if you'd like just let me know. I do not have the alternator on the car, since it is date code; number correct and cost me $775.00. So, I can't be of help on the wiring.
    Good Luck,


    • John C.
      • January 1, 2005
      • 616

      Re: 69 Alternator


      The attached picture shows the most common "clocking" I see on 69 cars, but I don't know if it is actually correct. Hopefully someone else can confirm.

      Attached Files


      • John P.
        • September 1, 1991
        • 94

        Re: 69 Alternator

        The clocking you see in John's post is correct for all 69-72 Corvettes.


        • Jim M.
          • February 23, 2009
          • 233

          Re: 69 Alternator

          Dennis, I noticed that on your alternator pic, that the adjustment is all the way to the end, is that correct? The reason I ask is because I purchased a new belt for my 69 a while back and when installed it took the adjustment to the end of the upper adjustment brace like yours so I took it back and got a belt that was a tad shorter so that I had some adjustment for wear.


          • Dennis S.
            • April 1, 2004
            • 228

            Re: 69 Alternator


            My adjusting bracket is located underneath the alternator, but the plug appears to be clocked correctly in relation to the adjusting bolt on the front case. I guess this just indexes the alternator 90 degress counter-clockwise. Still don't know whether the ground wire should be attached where I put it, but I don't care to drill out the terminal to fit the larger bolt that holds the clip.


            My belt is a bit too long as well. As you can see, I am at the end of the adjustment.


            • Dennis S.
              • April 1, 2004
              • 228

              Re: 69 Alternator

              Photo attached
              Attached Files


              • John C.
                • January 1, 2005
                • 616

                Re: 69 Alternator


                On my car the ground terminal is attached with the smae bolt that holds the support clip to the alternator. I have a much larger ground terminal and hole then the one shown in your picture at the end of the wire.


                Don't use my posted picture as an example of how long the belt should be. It is just a generic belt, but it works. I bought the supposed correct belt from Quanta but it was way to short.



                • Joe L.
                  Beyond Control Poster
                  • February 1, 1988
                  • 43129

                  Re: 69 Alternator

                  Originally posted by Jim Hilton (43119)
                  .......since it is date code; number correct and cost me $775.00.


                  You got a REAL bargain! Are you sure it's the "real deal" at that price? I'm serious here.
                  In Appreciation of John Hinckley


                  • Jamie F.
                    • May 21, 2008
                    • 337

                    Re: 69 Alternator

                    Here is the Alt on my '69 L68 no P/S, no A/C.
                    The TIM JG says the red positive lead should point up at 12 o'clock.
                    Attached Files


                    • Dennis S.
                      • April 1, 2004
                      • 228

                      Re: 69 Alternator


                      I can't find in the TIM & JG where it mentions the positive lead pointing upwards, but I did find something similar on page J266 of the AIM, at least in regards to SB and/or other generic mounting arrangements.

                      My L36 has N40 power steering, so it has a different alternator mounting bracket. See attached photo. This is correct as per page J427 of the AIM. This arrangement rotates the front case of the alternator counter-clockwise so that the pivot bolt is at the 3:00 position and the adjusting bolt is at the 9:00 position. I supppose I could rotate the positive lead so the small end of the boot points upwards (as stated in the AIM) but the side plug would still be at the 9:00 position. If I were to "re-clock" the cases then the side plug would be pointing straight up at the 12:00 position. Seems kinda silly to do that to the harness with the hood right there and having to bend the harness, especially when there is so much more room at the 9:00 position.

                      Sure would appreciate it if somebody had a picture of a '69 L36/N40 with an alternator mounted like mine.
                      Attached Files


                      • Joe L.
                        Beyond Control Poster
                        • February 1, 1988
                        • 43129

                        Re: 69 Alternator

                        Originally posted by Dennis Stubee (41797)

                        I can't find in the TIM & JG where it mentions the positive lead pointing upwards, but I did find something similar on page J266 of the AIM, at least in regards to SB and/or other generic mounting arrangements.

                        My L36 has N40 power steering, so it has a different alternator mounting bracket. See attached photo. This is correct as per page J427 of the AIM. This arrangement rotates the front case of the alternator counter-clockwise so that the pivot bolt is at the 3:00 position and the adjusting bolt is at the 9:00 position. I supppose I could rotate the positive lead so the small end of the boot points upwards (as stated in the AIM) but the side plug would still be at the 9:00 position. If I were to "re-clock" the cases then the side plug would be pointing straight up at the 12:00 position. Seems kinda silly to do that to the harness with the hood right there and having to bend the harness, especially when there is so much more room at the 9:00 position.

                        Sure would appreciate it if somebody had a picture of a '69 L36/N40 with an alternator mounted like mine.


                        Personally, I think this is correct.

                        Consider this: the GM #1100825 alternator was used for certain 1969 big block applications WITH OR WITHOUT power steering. Whatever the clocking originally was for this alternator, ALL examples of the 1100825 had to be clocked the same since the clocking configuration is part of what defines that, particular part number. St. Louis workers did not routinely, if ever, re-clock an alternator for different applications.

                        The mounting of the alternator varies considerably if the car has power steering, or not, but the same 1100825 alternator is used if the installed equipment requires it. So, there's no way the orientation of the voltage regulator connection can be the same for power steering and non-power steering installations of the 1100825. For non power steering, the connector is "12 o'clock" position. For power steering it's at the "9 o'clock" position ( looking from the rear).
                        In Appreciation of John Hinckley


                        • Dennis S.
                          • April 1, 2004
                          • 228

                          Re: 69 Alternator

                          Thanks for the explanation Joe. It is what it is. I guess I really don't need to worry about it until I find a correct alternator and hit the judging field. I just want it to "look right" for now.


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