'68 Steering Column

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  • Brian W.
    Very Frequent User
    • October 1, 1990
    • 216

    '68 Steering Column

    My early '68 steering column (under hood) has exposed expanded metal. I think there is a plastic or some kind of cover that is missing. Can anyone post a picture and where can I get one.
  • John C.
    • January 1, 2005
    • 616

    Re: '68 Steering Column


    Attached is a picture of my 68's steering column.

    Attached Files


    • Joe L.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • February 1, 1988
      • 43133

      Re: '68 Steering Column

      Originally posted by Brian Waller (18255)
      My early '68 steering column (under hood) has exposed expanded metal. I think there is a plastic or some kind of cover that is missing. Can anyone post a picture and where can I get one.

      I THINK the part you seek was GM #3914215. However, it was discontinued without supercession in May, 1982. I don't know of any reproduction of it being available but that does not mean there isn't one. I would contact Corvette Steering Service (www.corvettesteering.com). They should be able to tell you if one is available and, if so, either supply you with one or tell you where to get it.

      Let us know what you find out.
      In Appreciation of John Hinckley


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