Wire routing and license plate light ground - NCRS Discussion Boards

Wire routing and license plate light ground

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  • Mike R.
    • August 30, 2009
    • 321

    Wire routing and license plate light ground

    The harness for the turn signal wire comes out of the fuse box and the end connector clips to the steering column. Do these wires go over or under the clutch push rod? A photo would be helpful

    The shop manual shows the ground for the license plate light attaching to the light assembly. Does one of the mounting screws go through the light assembly, then through the ground terminal then into the clip nut?

    I have looked at the shop manual and the assembly manual but it is not clear.


  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • November 30, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: Wire routing and license plate light ground

    Originally posted by Mike Rapoport (50767)
    The harness for the turn signal wire comes out of the fuse box and the end connector clips to the steering column. Do these wires go over or under the clutch push rod? A photo would be helpful

    The shop manual shows the ground for the license plate light attaching to the light assembly. Does one of the mounting screws go through the light assembly, then through the ground terminal then into the clip nut?

    I have looked at the shop manual and the assembly manual but it is not clear.


    Mike -

    That part of the harness routes above the hood release cable and the clutch pushrod. The license light ground is attached as you noted.


    • Jim D.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • June 30, 1985
      • 2882

      Re: Wire routing and license plate light ground

      I would look at my 65 but it's close to 15 degrees out and that's toooooooo damn cold to go up to my shop and look. If nobody answers, I'll go look tomorrow.


      Oops, John beat me to it.


      • Mike R.
        • August 30, 2009
        • 321

        Re: Wire routing and license plate light ground

        Thanks John!

        Originally posted by John Hinckley (29964)
        Mike -

        That part of the harness routes above the hood release cable and the clutch pushrod. The license light ground is attached as you noted.


        • Mike R.
          • August 30, 2009
          • 321

          Re: Wire routing and license plate light ground

          Thanks Jim, it looks like I have the answers. BTW I heat my hanger to about 35 deg. I recently bought insulated coveralls and fingerless gloves which help a lot.


          Originally posted by Jim Durham (8797)
          I would look at my 65 but it's close to 15 degrees out and that's toooooooo damn cold to go up to my shop and look. If nobody answers, I'll go look tomorrow.


          Oops, John beat me to it.


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