Backup light switch wiring

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  • Dennis S.
    • April 1, 2004
    • 228

    Backup light switch wiring

    Now that I have the tunnel insulation, engine and transmission installed, can somebody tell me where the backup switch pigtail goes? In other words, does it go underneath the insulation?
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • February 1, 1988
    • 43133

    Re: Backup light switch wiring

    Originally posted by Dennis Stubee (41797)
    Now that I have the tunnel insulation, engine and transmission installed, can somebody tell me where the backup switch pigtail goes? In other words, does it go underneath the insulation?


    It does not install under the insulation.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Dennis S.
      • April 1, 2004
      • 228

      Re: Backup light switch wiring

      Thanks Joe.


      • Henry S.
        • May 1, 2005
        • 816

        Re: Backup light switch wiring

        If you have the 67 Assembly Manual on page G399 (A2.5) you can see the back-up harness as it attaches to the speedo clip. There may be other pictures of it in the A2 section so you might check it out.


        • Dennis S.
          • April 1, 2004
          • 228

          Re: Backup light switch wiring


          My car is a '69 so I looked thru the '69 AIM and can see where the pigtail is probably held by the clip on the driver side firewall, the one that holds the speedo cable as it leaves the firewall grommet. That looks like where it is going to hang. Thanks.



          • Henry S.
            • May 1, 2005
            • 816

            Re: Backup light switch wiring

            Originally posted by Dennis Stubee (41797)

            My car is a '69 so I looked thru the '69 AIM and can see where the pigtail is probably held by the clip on the driver side firewall, the one that holds the speedo cable as it leaves the firewall grommet. That looks like where it is going to hang. Thanks.

            Oops, sorry Dennis. I had a brain fart, didn't even notice your yellow 69 in your avatar!! Wasn't sure what the 69 AIM shows.


            • Dennis S.
              • April 1, 2004
              • 228

              Re: Backup light switch wiring


              Quite all right. I found a small empty clip a little lower on the firewall, right where the tunnel starts. I knew that clip protruded thru the insulation for a reason. I am sure that is where the pigtail gets supported.


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