Santa needs your help

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  • David H.
    • November 11, 2009
    • 777

    Santa needs your help

    Ok, my wife, aka: santa, is looking for some ideas for christmas presents for me. I want some books from the NCRS web site that will help me the most on my resto project of my brother's 1962 Vette.
    Can anyone suggest which books will give me the most bang for my buck?
    Thanks! and Merry Christmas to all! <|:0> ho,ho,ho!
  • Stewart A.
    • April 17, 2008
    • 1035

    Re: Santa needs your help

    The judging Guide is a must if you haven't already got it. The Aim is probably a must as well. I hear a lot of people mention ST12 not sure what that is ? I haven't looked it up yet but sounds very valuable. Also the Noland Adams big bible is pretty good as well It's called the Complete Corvette Restoration & Technical Guide - Vol 1 1953 through 1962. I think Nolands book is ok it has heaps of holes in it but it's great to identify original parts quickly. It also depends how far you are going with the Vette. If you decide to rip the body off there is a few good books on that as well. Also if your Bro never had one get the Corvette operations manual. I'll let others tune in on the literature they have. Stewy


    • Steven B.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • July 1, 1982
      • 3937

      Re: Santa needs your help

      ST-12 is a GM book covering servicing. It is a great book from the day. I use mine frequently. I wrote Chevy in '64 and they sent me one free plus a '58 owners manual, as they did not have a '57 manual in stock. I would get a dealer sales brochure and NCRS Spec. Guide, also.

      Stewy's list is good.

      Last edited by Steven B.; December 4, 2009, 09:31 PM.


      • Bruce B.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • June 1, 1996
        • 2930

        Re: Santa needs your help

        I like Nolands Restoration and Technical guide Vol. #1.
        Also: Essentials- A Corvette Cllectors Guide by Chuck Brigermann.
        The ST12, the AIM and the 61-62 Judging Guide will give you most of the info you need. Most publications are available from the NCRS Store.
        In addition Corvette Central, Paragon and Doc Rebuild catalogs contain lots of pictures and diagrams which are also very helpdful and they are free.


        • Louis T.
          Very Frequent User
          • August 1, 2003
          • 282

          Re: Santa needs your help

          Hi David,

          While not exactly a physical book per se, don't forget a CD of all of The Corvette Restorer articles that pertain to your car ('61 and '62 are together in one CD). These CDs are a treasure for us newer members that don't have a library of old issues to refer back to, and the search capabilities are huge time-savers.

          A Merry Christmas to you as well!



          • David H.
            • November 11, 2009
            • 777

            Re: Santa needs your help

            Thanks all for your suggestions. Forgive my "rookieness" here but I'm not finding the ST-12 or AIM publications. Is there a stock number or more specific title I should be searching for?


            • David H.
              • November 11, 2009
              • 777

              Re: Santa needs your help

              OK, AIM is the Assembly Instruction Manual, got that.
              What is the ST-12?


              • Roy B.
                • February 1, 1975
                • 7044

                Re: Santa needs your help

                The best info you'll ever find and get is right here! Ask for pic's or post one . You'll never find better help, books don't cover everything. Good luck


                • John H.
                  Beyond Control Poster
                  • December 1, 1997
                  • 16513

                  Re: Santa needs your help

                  Originally posted by David Hurd (51036)
                  What is the ST-12?
                  David -

                  The "ST-12" is also known as the "1953-62 Corvette Servicing Guide" - the NCRS store has them. It's the only GM shop manual ever published for the C1's.


                  • David H.
                    • November 11, 2009
                    • 777

                    Re: Santa needs your help

                    OK, ST-12, that would be the manual I found in the trunk that my brother already had! You're right, that is an excellent manual and has already been a lot of help.
                    The CDs of all the NCRS articles is on the list and the AIM is on the list as well.
                    And as for the "free" advise we all get from this web site....there is nothing like the hands on experiences of veteran Corvetters with the knowlege of having already been thru it and their desire to pass that knowlege along to the rest of us. The ones who ask are forever grateful and will in turn pass it forward.
                    Thanks again for all the input so with any luck, I only have to do this once and get it right.


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