Help identify exhaust manifolds please (1967?)

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  • Scott S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 12, 2009
    • 1961

    Help identify exhaust manifolds please (1967?)

    This should be simple, and it probably is, but I have spent enough time on it that it's time to ask the experts.

    1967 Coupe (Jan. 11, 1967)
    L79 engine, "HT" engine pad suffix, with factory A/C (not sure if that would affect the exhaust manifold or not)

    The first question is about the RH manifold.

    Using the "Corvette by the Numbers" book as my guide, and the 1967 Judging Guide, I was able to identify the correct RH exhaust manifold. It reads 3747042, then below that number is "RH", and immediately to the right is "4 9", which also appears on the back side.

    The JG says "no visible casting dates appear on original exhaust manifolds.", while "Corvette by the Numbers" seems to say there ARE casting dates.

    Is this an original 327/350 (1967) exhaust manifold, (pictures below) and what does the "4 9" mean?
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  • Scott S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 12, 2009
    • 1961

    Re: Help identify exhaust manifolds please (1967?)

    I can't figure out the LH manifold. According to the 1967 Judging Guide, it should be either:




    But this manifold's casting number appears to be EIGHT digits long, 38466584. I'm sure about the "384", and the last digit is almost certainly a "4" but could also possibly be an "A". It's hard to tell for sure what the middle "6658" is, could be "6558", "6659", it's very hard to tell. Either way, 8 digits is one too many.

    Below the casting number is "LH", and to the right is either "2 8" or "2 9", with the same number repeated on the back side.

    The diameter of this LH manifold LOOKS wider than the other (RH) manifold. The opening where it connects to the exhaust pipe is shaped differently and appears wider. If that's normal, then I just didn't know.

    The end of this (LH) manifold only appeared to match one specific picture of a manifold in the "Corvette by the Numbers" book, # 3846559, but this one has an extra digit, and appears to end in either "4" or "A".

    What is this exhaust manifold I have?
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    • Rick S.
      • January 1, 2003
      • 1203

      Re: Help identify exhaust manifolds please (1967?)

      My 67 L-79 has date codes. E24 and E25 which is May 24th and 25th.


      • Rick S.
        • January 1, 2003
        • 1203

        Re: Help identify exhaust manifolds please (1967?)

        I forgot to add my casting #:

        Left is 3848559A
        Right is 3747042


        • Scott S.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • September 12, 2009
          • 1961

          Re: Help identify exhaust manifolds please (1967?)

          Originally posted by Rick Smith (39266)
          My 67 L-79 has date codes. E24 and E25 which is May 24th and 25th.

          Hi Rick,

          I found the dates on these too, and now that I know what I'm looking at, I can see how my Left manifold reads 3848559A, and the right hand manifold casting number is clear. I should be able to read all of it better after I clean them up, but it looks like these are the dates and casting numbers I have:

          RH Exhaust Manifold: 3747042 (Date, on back: H22, for August 22)

          LH Exhaust Manifold: 3848559A (Date, on back: L13, for December 13)

          Thanks very much for the great pictures and for helping me figure this out,


          P.S. The end of my LH (3848559A) manifold looks different than any of the other pictures in the "Corvette by the Numbers" book. Is yours the same, and is it unusual?
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          • Timothy B.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • May 1, 1983
            • 5172

            Re: Help identify exhaust manifolds please (1967?)


            The end of the LH manifold has a cast in pad for the alternator mounting.


            • Scott S.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • September 12, 2009
              • 1961

              Re: Help identify exhaust manifolds please (1967?)

              Originally posted by Timothy Barbieri (6542)

              The end of the LH manifold has a cast in pad for the alternator mounting.
              Thank you!


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