fan clutch rebuild

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  • Gilbert R.
    Infrequent User
    • August 1, 1997
    • 25

    fan clutch rebuild

    are there any rebuild houses out there that can rebuild my 66 sb fan clutch?
  • Rick A.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 1, 2002
    • 2147

    Re: fan clutch rebuild

    Fred Olivia is the man for fan clutches
    Rick Aleshire
    2016 Ebony C7R Z06 "ROSA"


    • Larry M.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • January 1, 1992
      • 2683

      Re: fan clutch rebuild


      Fred Olivia is considered the expert, as Rick points out and recommends. However, his backlog is around 6-12 months. You can call him and see what he says. Phone number should be in the Driveline or the archives.

      Another source that frequently advertises in the Driveline is Vinny at Pampered Vettes. He also has a good reputation as far as I know. Turnaround is much shorter. Others may also comment.

      A third (possible) source is Paragon Reproductions. The catalog I have from a few years ago shows that they offer this service. You can call and see if they still do this work and their success stories. Paragon is considered a top-notch company.

      Again, search the Driveline or archives for phone numbers. I know I posted them awhile back. If you cannot find, let me know and I will get them for you.



      • Gilbert R.
        Infrequent User
        • August 1, 1997
        • 25

        Re: fan clutch rebuild

        thanks everyone, I'll try these guys, just got a call from Paragon, they no longer do fan clutches, thanks again, GRR


        • M W.
          • August 1, 2001
          • 835

          Re: fan clutch rebuild

          Fred just did mine and expect a minimum of 1 year. He is the best so simply be patient.



          • John D.
            Very Frequent User
            • July 1, 1991
            • 874

            Re: fan clutch rebuild

            The GM 3916141 service replacement looks quite close to the original.
            I've also heard the the same eaton fan clutch can be found at a cheaper price on ebay.

            I have the GM service part on my car and keep the original 42 year old clutch on only for judging.


            • John M.
              Very Frequent User
              • June 1, 1990
              • 188

              Re: fan clutch rebuild

              Fred Olivia did the rebuilt for my 62 fan clutch back in 1996. I drive the car often and the fan clutch has been problem free. Hope this helps.


              • Larry M.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • January 1, 1992
                • 2683

                Re: fan clutch rebuild

                Any feedback on Vinny's work. I have not heard any issues and his turnaround time should be much less??

                Just trying to help Gil out.



                • Eric V.
                  • November 1, 1974
                  • 53

                  Re: fan clutch rebuild

                  I sent an Eaton fan clutch to Vinny earlier this year for restoration. I shipped it to him on July 28 and received the restored unit on Sept 26. Cosmetics are beautiful, date stamp and all. I have not yet put the clutch into service, but based on my experience dealing with Vinny I would highly recommend him.

                  I also sent an inquiry to Jerry MacNeish ( and got a response of 6-8 weeks turnaround time and a price similar to Vinnys, but Vinny got back to me first so I decided to go with him.

                  Eric V.


                  • Bob B.
                    Frequent User
                    • January 1, 1994
                    • 43

                    Re: fan clutch rebuild

                    [quote=Larry Mulder (20401);456606]Any feedback on Vinny's work. I have not heard any issues and his turnaround time should be much less??

                    Just trying to help Gil out.

                    I just had mine rebuilt by Vinny and I pcked it up 2 weeks ago. It was a 6 week turn around and the job was ever thing he said it would be. all the correct numbers , stamps and finish. After talking to him awhile he is a wealth of unlimited knowledge on clutch fans of either brand. I have his shop # if needed. Bob
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