brake drums part #3830165 cast #3828671 fit C1 or C2? - NCRS Discussion Boards

brake drums part #3830165 cast #3828671 fit C1 or C2?

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  • Ian G.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 3, 2007
    • 1114

    brake drums part #3830165 cast #3828671 fit C1 or C2?

    Hi Guys,

    Can someone tell me if brake drums part #3830165 cast #3828671 with W-10 on them will fit a fit a C1?
    Is it possible they would fit a C2 front or rear?

    thanks as always!
  • Pat H.
    Very Frequent User
    • November 30, 1996
    • 411

    Re: brake drums part #3830165 cast #3828671 fit C1 or C2?

    I checked the drums I removed from my 59. Both have the part # 3782623 cast on the drum, one has a W-9 and the other has W-10. They worked fine. There probably a service replacement drums. I had them machined and they measure 11" inside. Hope this helps


    • Ian G.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • September 3, 2007
      • 1114

      Re: brake drums part #3830165 cast #3828671 fit C1 or C2?

      My understanding is that casting #3752623 (part #3752622) are original, but these look the same, except are for 3" brake shoes I have since found out


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