ID 6" steel wheel for chevrolet

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  • Timothy B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 1, 1983
    • 5172

    ID 6" steel wheel for chevrolet

    Any help to ID these wheels is appreciated. The wheels are 6" wide and came off my friends 66 corvette. I measured approx 7 1/16" from floor to rim edge with level across top and 4" from rim edge to mounting boss where spindle bolts. I think this would be 1/2" + offset, the tire would be closer to the inside.

    There are three wheels and I want to sell on ebay, I noticed a seller that sells 6" steel wheels, could these be the same wheel??

    Thanks for you opinions.. Tim
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  • Wayne M.
    • March 1, 1980
    • 6414

    Re: ID 6" steel wheel for chevrolet

    Originally posted by Timothy Barbieri (6542)
    Any help to ID these wheels is appreciated. The wheels are 6" wide and came off my friends 66 corvette. ........... There are three wheels and I want to sell on ebay, I noticed a seller that sells 6" steel wheels, could these be the same wheel?? .....
    Tim --- "FL"s are 1975 Chevelle (and maybe also later). I take this from Colvin's C-by-the-N 1970-75. He shows offset at +0.50".

    I have one of these with an old FR78-15 radial, which I use as a spare on my '65, but will replace with proper JK's when I get two more rims.

    I laugh every time I see those 6" WIDER wheels for C2's advertised on eBay. Does he really get in the $300's for them ? Are they the same set coming back again and again ? I'm sure you can find them at $5 each in the boneyards. Dang thing is that they fit and look OK, as long as you don't wear them in flight judging .

    Same thing with the "RF" rims; they're probably 6" too, and fit midstyles with no problem. I bought a set of 5 with decent radial rubber for $40. about 10 years ago -- still got 'em. With '65 wheelcovers on, you'd be hard pressed to tell the difference from TFP.


    • Tom P.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • April 1, 1980
      • 1811

      Re: ID 6" steel wheel for chevrolet

      They definitely APPEAR to be the same as those used on mid-70s GM A-body cars (Malibu, Cutlass, etc). As mentioned, they are (or at least were) about as common as dirt.


      • Timothy B.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • May 1, 1983
        • 5172

        Re: ID 6" steel wheel for chevrolet

        Thanks Wayne and Tom,

        I am curious if the wheel cover will hold because I don't see any retaining nubs etc. around the valve stem. I will have to check this ebay seller and his pics to detirmine if they are the same.

        The 1967 rally wheel has a .060" + offset, that's a big difference in fit between the production 6" corvette wheel and these wheels with .500" offset, I am surprised the fit is OK..


        • Edward M.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • November 1, 1985
          • 1915

          Re: ID 6" steel wheel for chevrolet

          These wheels (FL) are the same wheels that I have on my 56 Vette. Mid 70s Chevelle / Malibu, etc. Common wheels. I have seen them as cheap as $15 a wheel on Ebay


          • Dan A.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • June 1, 1974
            • 1072

            Re: ID 6" steel wheel for chevrolet

            I bought a set of 4 from my local wrecking yard to use as rollers at $5 each.


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