Early 1966 Exhaust Bezels

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  • Dominic P.
    Frequent User
    • February 1, 1997
    • 72

    Early 1966 Exhaust Bezels

    Can someone please verify that in early production, for the 1966 model year, that 1965 stainless steel exhausts bezels were used ?

    Also, if yes, is this acceptable for NCRS judging?

  • Greg T.
    • January 1, 2004
    • 136

    Re: Early 1966 Exhaust Bezels

    In Noland Adams book he says that the first 2000 or so used the 65 exhaust bezel. The 66 assmbly manual shows that the design to the new pot metal bezels was not signed of until the middle of September 65. I don't think the current NCRS 66 JG allows for it. Maybe they'll have it in the new edition due out later this year.


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