Halibrands and 8000 RPM AC

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  • George J.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 1, 1999
    • 770

    Re: Halibrands and 8000 RPM AC

    thanks for the info. So, if I am reading all of that correctly, for my '65 I would be searching for both a book that lists the part numbers and a book that shows the illustrations, both for the whole Chevrolet line. I will start the search.




    • John H.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • December 1, 1997
      • 16513

      Re: Halibrands and 8000 RPM AC

      Originally posted by George Jerome (31887)
      thanks for the info. So, if I am reading all of that correctly, for my '65 I would be searching for both a book that lists the part numbers and a book that shows the illustrations, both for the whole Chevrolet line. I will start the search.


      George -

      The Corvette-only parts book you want is the P&A 30B - has both the illustrations and the part listings; mine is dated August, 1973 ("1953-1973 Corvette Parts Catalog"); it's about 500 pages, fills a 3" ring binder.


      • George J.
        Very Frequent User
        • March 1, 1999
        • 770

        Re: Halibrands and 8000 RPM AC

        thanks, as always. Someone should nominate you for an award, or something.....



        • Gary C.
          • October 1, 1982
          • 17407

          Re: Halibrands and 8000 RPM AC

          George, starting with '61, Chevrolet split the P&A's into two sections. Body Parts and Accessories Catalog Groups 10-17 and Chassis Parts and Accessories Catalog Groups 0-9 and part number revision history. Illustration and Special Information Catalog is the third book, which has many more illustrations and exploded drawings. Maybe Joe Lucia will provide more information on the different books he knows of. The NCRS Store has some of the P&A's available in reprints. For originals it would be e-bay or some of the literature dealers. Good luck with your search. Gary....
          Last edited by Gary C.; November 5, 2009, 07:13 AM. Reason: correct typo on P&A group numbers
          NCRS Texas Chapter



          • Steven B.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • July 1, 1982
            • 3938

            Re: Halibrands and 8000 RPM AC

            Originally posted by Tom Bryant (1360)
            I'm off on Sunday and Monday. You just needed to get better tips from the old ladies that you carried out groceries for. By the way, the nations oldest or 3rd oldest, depending on who you ask, Chevy dealer is now almost completely converted to a NAPA store and service center. Thanks GM for respecting your history.

            C.J. would roll-over--- (Remember when he had the exotic animals athis house?) I hope Lumpy and the guys still have jobs. We just lost 2 within 30 miles. The remaining one about 25 miles away is a Chev-Cad dealer and they are protesting the announcement of losing the Cad franchise. Nearest Cad will then be about 70 miles away.


            • Tom P.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • April 1, 1980
              • 1811

              Re: Halibrands and 8000 RPM AC

              Originally posted by George Jerome (31887)
              thanks for the info. So, if I am reading all of that correctly, for my '65 I would be searching for both a book that lists the part numbers and a book that shows the illustrations, both for the whole Chevrolet line. I will start the search.


              As John pointed out, Corvette parts books of the 70s covered Corvette parts all the way back to 1953. BUT, the later the parts book (for a 1978 version vs a 1970 version), the more that parts will have been discontinued-----------thus, no longer listed. So, the earlier an issue that you can acquire, the more parts there will be still listed.
              Also, as I mentioned, SOMETIME before 1970, ALL models were still in one book. This requires you to surf through all the parts for trucks, Chevelles, Impalas, Biscaynes, etc, just to find the correct part for a Corvette. Granted, MANY parts (such as transmission, carb, clutch, etc) are shared by the different models of Chev products, but with a parts book that is specific, such as a truck parts book, Corvette parts book, etc, it is just much easier to locate what you are trying to find.
              When the "new" 84 Corvette parts book was introduced, it no longer went back to 1953. Thus, there was a 1953-82 book, and then a 1984-later book.
              Each year, an updated book was published (actually, twice a year) which was 53-70, then the next year it was 53-71, then 53-72 and so on. But that stopped with the new 84 parts book. So, dealers had to hang on to their 82-older Corvette parts books when that happened.
              Of course, most everything is on computer now.
              Back in the 70s, I was well acquainted with a particular parts man and I always asked him to save the old Corvette parts book when he got an updated issue. So, I have several on the shelf which allows me to determine when a particular part became discontinued.
              Last edited by Tom P.; November 4, 2009, 06:09 PM.


              • Tom B.
                Very Frequent User
                • March 1, 1978
                • 720

                Re: Halibrands and 8000 RPM AC

                Actually the chassis catalog is group 0-9 and the body catalog is group 10-17. I have a '62 body catalog but not the chassis book.


                • George J.
                  Very Frequent User
                  • March 1, 1999
                  • 770

                  Re: Halibrands and 8000 RPM AC

                  thanks for the info.



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