Paint blisters on '62 cowl? - NCRS Discussion Boards

Paint blisters on '62 cowl?

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  • Alan F.
    • May 31, 1996
    • 13

    Paint blisters on '62 cowl?

    I have (2) 1962's and both have small paint blisters in the same area. The blisters are about the size of a match head and smaller. It is in the flat section between the lower windshield molding and the hood opening, all the way across (the cowl vent is in that area). Both cars were stripped and refinished about 20 years ago, but by separate shops in different areas of the country. Does anybody know what the cause is and how to prevent it from re-happening if I get the area re-painted?
  • Gene M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 31, 1985
    • 4232

    Re: Paint blisters on '62 cowl?

    Stripper has reactivated causing paint to lift.

    It sounds like some evidence of stripper was still in the fiberglass from stripping. A water soluble stripper is nice to work with since water washes it off. A good rag soaked with lacquer thinner is a good pre wash prior to sanding smooth to remove all stripper residue. But all this info is water over the dam.


    • Alan F.
      • May 31, 1996
      • 13

      Re: Paint blisters on '62 cowl?

      Thanks. Do you think a lacquer wash will work now if I have the area re- finished? Or do I need to have all the filler removed all the way down to the fiberglass and then worked up again with a new layer of fiberglass and filler? It's about a 6 inch area in various spots across between both sides up to the chrome fender trim whisker


      • Paul J.
        • September 9, 2008
        • 2091

        Re: Paint blisters on '62 cowl?

        Originally posted by Alan Foster (27671)
        Thanks. Do you think a lacquer wash will work now if I have the area re- finished? Or do I need to have all the filler removed all the way down to the fiberglass and then worked up again with a new layer of fiberglass and filler? It's about a 6 inch area in various spots across between both sides up to the chrome fender trim whisker
        If it is left over stripper, it would be coming from the fiberglass. Most likely the paint would have been stripped down to the glass. Considering the amount of work that you're talking about, I would go back down to the glass.

        There was a thread a few months back which discussed stripper and brake fluid contamination of the body and ways to remove it. You might want to find that thread.



        • Jim T.
          • February 28, 1993
          • 5351

          Re: Paint blisters on '62 cowl?

          Does the sealer applied to the primer coat just prior to painting and requiring top coating directly after application help or even prevent the later destruction of the top coat?


          • Gene M.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • March 31, 1985
            • 4232

            Re: Paint blisters on '62 cowl?

            Originally posted by Alan Foster (27671)
            Thanks. Do you think a lacquer wash will work now if I have the area re- finished? Or do I need to have all the filler removed all the way down to the fiberglass and then worked up again with a new layer of fiberglass and filler? It's about a 6 inch area in various spots across between both sides up to the chrome fender trim whisker
            I feel if you get all the contamination out of the fiberglass, the finished job will stay adhered. Restrip the area is only solution. A lacquer thinner wash to remove all traces of the stripper is a must.


            • Stewart A.
              • April 16, 2008
              • 1035

              Re: Paint blisters on '62 cowl?

              Why both cars in the same spot. Has it occurred in any other area ? Have you used any nasty products in your windscreen washers ? Sounds odd but paint lifting in bubbles generally means an adhesion problem. It could be any contamination on the glass. If it was in other spots it would make sense but why both cars in the same spot ? Sounds like bad preparation work by the body people. You will have to take it down to the raw glass and make sure you let the glass gas off (completely dry) after a good chemical cleaning. Glass tends to absorb moisture like a sponge so make sure you let it dry. Stewy


              • Paul J.
                • September 9, 2008
                • 2091

                Re: Paint blisters on '62 cowl?

                Originally posted by Jim Trekell (22375)
                Does the sealer applied to the primer coat just prior to painting and requiring top coating directly after application help or even prevent the later destruction of the top coat?
                Jim, I don't think so in this case because stripper and brake fluid are more aggressive. They would eventually come through any kind of paint. However, I've had very little experience with sealers, they're fairly new to me. Maybe some of the painters can give us some more info.



                • Alan F.
                  • May 31, 1996
                  • 13

                  Re: Paint blisters on '62 cowl?

                  I haven't used anything on the windshields except brand name washer solution and rain-x. Now only using water. However, the cars had blisters on them when I bought. Thanks for your comments.


                  • Michael M.
                    Very Frequent User
                    • January 31, 1993
                    • 597

                    Re: Paint blisters on '62 cowl?

                    Alan if you explain the refinishing process from bare fiberglass to the topcoat maybe we can pick up the problem this way. What steps were taken, did you use a sealer?


                    • Alan F.
                      • May 31, 1996
                      • 13

                      Re: Paint blisters on '62 cowl?

                      Sorry, both cars were refinished 20 years ago by different people before I purchased them.


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