1965 Ignition Switch Question

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  • Mark P.
    Very Frequent User
    • May 14, 2008
    • 934

    1965 Ignition Switch Question

    My ignition key can be removed in the ON position.

    Is this likely caused by wear in the ignition switch ? I have heard the repro's work also work this way. Is it more likely I have a repro or service replacement ?

    If I buy a NOS 1116660 switch would this likely reemedy the problem and pass Operations ?
    Last edited by Mark P.; October 26, 2009, 03:53 PM. Reason: typo
  • Wayne M.
    • March 1, 1980
    • 6414

    Re: 1965 Ignition Switch Question

    Originally posted by Mark Pellowski (49021)
    My ignition switch (key ?) can be removed in the ON position.

    Is this likely caused by wear in the ignition switch ? I have heard the repro's work also work this way. Is it more likely I have a repro or service replacement ?

    If I buy a NOS 1116660 switch would this likely reemedy the problem and pass Operations ?
    Mark -- you can remove the switch by pushing a small dia. pin in the hole while turning to the left. Then, undo the bezel and ease the switch out the back. Be careful as there's a lamp in a socket on the back.

    Here's a pic of an NOS 1111660 ign. switch (see the "660" cast on the side) and the removed tumbler beside it; if repro you can proceed from there.


    • Peter L.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • June 1, 1983
      • 1930

      Re: 1965 Ignition Switch Question

      Mark - If the (key?) can be removed from the 65 p/n 1116660 ignition switch in the ON position, the problem is usually either with the key (a worn/well used key)or the ignition lock cylinder (tumblers) not the ignition switch. Pete


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