72 Coupe Blower Question W. A/c - NCRS Discussion Boards

72 Coupe Blower Question W. A/c

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  • Terry M.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • September 30, 1980
    • 15543

    Re: 72 Coupe Blower Question W. A/c

    I thought the C-60 equipped Corvettes had the rear vents sealed, and thus NO Astroventilation. I know the side windows advertise that feature, but I thought it only functioned on the non-A/C cars.


    • Jim T.
      • February 28, 1993
      • 5351

      Re: 72 Coupe Blower Question W. A/c

      Terry my 70 factory equipped A/C t-top has no rear vents, but does have metal blocking plates that can be removed.
      Removed them once to see what kind of air flow would occur. The left vent behind the drivers kick panel is completely blocked off at the factory.


      • Dave S.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • August 31, 1992
        • 2915

        Re: 72 Coupe Blower Question W. A/c

        Originally posted by Edward Johnson (49497)
        I find it strange that the blower speed barely operates on low speed . The second speed does operate so the paper does move on de-ice, and seems to be properly blowing all other speeds, the blower resister seems to be working correctly but I think that if someone could check to see if there C60 works the same way that would help. if I had my guess I would say that if the car was in motion there may be air flow through the ducts, being the car has astro ventilation.whats do you think guys? by the way started car and ran no difference.
        First off the Astro Ventilation on C60 cars does not exist as Terry and Jim point out. My c60 car has A/C in crayon on the bottom of the "solid" gutter under the decklid vents. This is where the Astro Ventilation dampers would be located in a non C60 car.
        I have reviewed page 28 of the Owners manual and verified it with my 71 C60 car. OM says "When this control (left thumbwheel) is in the off position, the system is totally inoperative. If the control is moved to the max, normal or bi-level position, the compressor will operate providing the ambient air is above 33 degrees and the blower will automatically be in low speed." That is excacly how my 71 functions.
        If you look on page 29 of the OM. "Blower Control - The switch located foward of the thumb wheels controls the operation of the four-speed blower unlessthe selector control is in the off position. " Key word is four speed. Four speeds for A/C and 3 speeds for vent, heat and de-ice.
        Hopefully that will clear things up.


        • Edward J.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • September 15, 2008
          • 6940

          Re: 72 Coupe Blower Question W. A/c

          Well, I learned something new with the astro ventilation ,always thought these car had it with or without a/c, thanaks guys , dave I will try the blower operation with the a/c today. maybe thats why no lower on the other settings. I think this clears it up. thanks guys for your responses,
          New England chapter member, 63 Convert. 327/340- Chapter/Regional/national Top Flight, 72 coupe- chapter and regional Top Flight.


          • Nick K.
            Frequent User
            • November 30, 1999
            • 75

            Re: 72 Coupe Blower Question W. A/c

            I realize that it's been 6 years since this thread was created and I hope all that participated are alive and well but I am trying to confirm the function of my '72 C60 car (Bryar Blue coupe VIN # 246). When the fan and a/c controls are in the off position the fan still blows in low speed mode. Is this the proper function? If not what might be causing the fan to blow in low speed mode when the main and fan controls are in the off postion?
            Nick Kammer, #33307
            Miami Valley Chapter (Dayton, Ohio)


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