65 Shifter

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  • Dave N.
    • June 5, 2009
    • 28

    65 Shifter

    I recently purchased a 65 Vette with a 4 speed. The shifter rod appears to have been changed from a functioning reverse lock out shifter rod to a non-functioning reverse lock out shifter rod. The shifter rod in the car is solid so there is no reverse lock out rod down the center of the shifter rod yet it still has the plunger grip to pull on the shifter which is supposed to operate the reverse lock out. Shifter is for show with no operating lock out.

    I am looking for a shifter rod that has the proper reverse lock out shaft. Can anyone recommend a cataloger or website that I should look at for the correct shifter?


  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • December 1, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: 65 Shifter

    Dave -

    Chances are that what you have is an aftermarket Hurst shifter with the bolt-on "look-alike" Corvette shift lever; the T-handle on that lever looks correct, but it doesn't move, and serves no function.

    Vette Products of Michigan (www.vetteproducts.net) manufactures reproduction midyear 4-speed shifter assemblies.


    • Mark L.
      • January 1, 1996
      • 121

      Re: 65 Shifter


      It sounds like you have a Hurst shifter with a reproduction handle.

      Original C2 shifters show up on Ebay frequently, and when restored properly work well. Many people complain about the stock shifter 'buzzing' or rattling loudly, I have not experienced that problem.


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