GM #7817342 P/S Hose Guide Barcket

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  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • February 1, 1988
    • 43129

    GM #7817342 P/S Hose Guide Barcket

    The GM #7817342 power steering hose guide bracket was used only for the 1974-75 model years. It was part of power steering valve assembly GM #7816806. The 1976 and later hose guide is by far the most common, though, and is the style usually found on remanufactured or new power steering control valves. But, 1974-75 was different. As always, it's certainly possible that early 1974 used the 63-73 configuration (i.e. NO hose guide) and it's possible that late 1975 used the 1976 and later style hose guide.

    This piece is NOT for sale.
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    In Appreciation of John Hinckley
  • Jim S.
    • September 1, 2001
    • 730

    Re: GM #7817342 P/S Hose Guide Barcket

    I have the 7816806 Valve & Adapter Assembly drawing as well as the 7819980 Valve & Adapter Assembly drawing. The 7816806 drawing says "First Used 1974" and there is a note on the drawing that says "Obsoleted & Replaced by 7819980 per Engineering Notice 740827 8-12-74".

    The 7819980 drawing says "First Used 1975 Corvette". This drawing has a note "Inactive and Replaced by 7825636 per Engineering Notice 801318 14JA81".

    I have the later assembly drawing 7825636 which says "First Used 1976 Corvette". Both the 7819980 valve assy and the 7825636 valve assy use the same 7819613 Bracket.

    Anyway, here are the differences between the two brackets:
    Here is the 7816806 Valve & Adapter Assembly with 7817342 Bracket. Note that the bracket extends past the control valve end cap and the hose guide ears are extending away from the valve.

    Here is the 7819980 Valve & Adapter Assembly with the 7819613 Bracket.
    Note that the bracket is nearly flush with the control valve end cap and the hose guide ears are bent back toward the valve.

    Last edited by Jim S.; October 13, 2009, 09:25 AM.


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