HELP! Reinstalling buckets and motors on 64 Headlights - NCRS Discussion Boards

HELP! Reinstalling buckets and motors on 64 Headlights

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  • Andrew P.
    • November 11, 2008
    • 84

    HELP! Reinstalling buckets and motors on 64 Headlights


    I had the body shop remove the headlight buckets and motors (which I've rebuilt) and now I'm questioning the install. It appears, from D214 in the AIM that the seals are on the outside of the side-mounts in the order of flatwasher-rubber seal-felt seal-bearing-casing-adjustment spacer.

    It's clear that the motor pivot goes to the inside. It's also clear that the motor fits onto the pivot and clips on to the offset shaft.

    That all said, does the motor not get supported by any other brackets? What is the orientation of the motor (ie which side is which)? Does anyone have some good pix?

    I'm going to remove the radiator mount to get my head in there but a few good pix would be worth a thousand AIM pages LoL...

    Thanks in advance!

  • Rich P.
    • January 11, 2009
    • 1361

    Re: HELP! Reinstalling buckets and motors on 64 Headlights

    Hope these help,

    Attached Files


    • John H.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • November 30, 1997
      • 16513

      Re: HELP! Reinstalling buckets and motors on 64 Headlights

      Originally posted by Andrew Palenscar (49695)
      That all said, does the motor not get supported by any other brackets? What is the orientation of the motor (ie which side is which)? Does anyone have some good pix?

      I'm going to remove the radiator mount to get my head in there but a few good pix would be worth a thousand AIM pages LoL...

      Thanks in advance!

      Drew -

      See the attached photo - shows the support brackets to the header bar, ground wires, etc.
      Attached Files


      • Scott S.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • September 11, 2009
        • 1961

        Re: HELP! Reinstalling buckets and motors on 64 Headlights

        Originally posted by John Hinckley (29964)
        Drew -

        See the attached photo - shows the support brackets to the header bar, ground wires, etc.

        The headlight motor support brackets (UPC 12-A3, Item 39, 3794287 Retainer) look cad or zinc plated in your picture. The NOS examples I have seen are painted black, and so are the examples sold by the vendors, but they may be copying service replacement characteristics.

        Do you know what finish these brackets originally had on the production line?


        • James W.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • November 30, 1990
          • 2620

          Re: HELP! Reinstalling buckets and motors on 64 Headlights

          Originally posted by Scott Smith (50839)

          The headlight motor support brackets (UPC 12-A3, Item 39, 3794287 Retainer) look cad or zinc plated in your picture. The NOS examples I have seen are painted black, and so are the examples sold by the vendors, but they may be copying service replacement characteristics.

          Do you know what finish these brackets originally had on the production line?
          Andrew and Scott,

          Here's a picture taken at the 2008 NCRS National Convention of a low mileage Duntov/Bowtie 1965 showing the headlight motors and mounting brackets. Everyone I've ever seen has been black in color.

          Hope this helps.

          Happy Holidays,

          James West
          Attached Files


          • Scott S.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • September 11, 2009
            • 1961

            Re: HELP! Reinstalling buckets and motors on 64 Headlights

            Originally posted by James West (18379)
            Andrew and Scott,

            Here's a picture taken at the 2008 NCRS National Convention of a low mileage Duntov/Bowtie 1965 showing the headlight motors and mounting brackets. Everyone I've ever seen has been black in color.

            Hope this helps.

            Happy Holidays,

            James West
            James, thank you very much for the great picture.

            Happy holidays and merry Christmas to all,



            • William L.
              Very Frequent User
              • November 30, 1988
              • 944

              Re: HELP! Reinstalling buckets and motors on 64 Headlights

              Originally posted by James West (18379)
              Andrew and Scott,

              Here's a picture taken at the 2008 NCRS National Convention of a low mileage Duntov/Bowtie 1965 showing the headlight motors and mounting brackets. Everyone I've ever seen has been black in color.

              Hope this helps.

              Happy Holidays,

              James West
              Great picture James.
              I have never seen the ink stamps on the motors before. They appear to be
              64 at the top of the circle and 4-65. I would assume that the 4-65 is the date don't know about the 64? Does anybody know for sure??
              Bill Lacy
              1967 427/435 National Top Flight Bloomington Gold
              1998 Indy Pacecar


              • John H.
                Beyond Control Poster
                • November 30, 1997
                • 16513

                Re: HELP! Reinstalling buckets and motors on 64 Headlights

                Originally posted by Scott Smith (50839)
                Do you know what finish these brackets originally had on the production line?
                Scott -

                They were dip-primed semi-gloss black.


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