Looking for a fuel filter housing top, HELP?!? - NCRS Discussion Boards

Looking for a fuel filter housing top, HELP?!?

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  • James M.
    • February 25, 2008
    • 49

    Looking for a fuel filter housing top, HELP?!?

    I am looking for a source for the top of a late 1960 fuel filter housing. According to Bob Bairds and Tom Howey's new book it should have the following characteristics; it should have a flattened center portion "similar to a cylinder with a 90 degree angle between the top and side". The under side shold say "Made in the USA" in just one of the quadrants and have a date code. All that I have found have a rounded center portion on the top both with and without a casting mark. Any help is appreciated in locating the correct top. Would also love to find the 10 point tightening knob.

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