70 seatbelt reinforcement - NCRS Discussion Boards

70 seatbelt reinforcement

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  • Jordan S.
    • December 17, 2007
    • 113

    70 seatbelt reinforcement

    Does anyone know if the bolt attaching to the seat belt cable can be replaced (passenger side snapped off) or does the whole reinforcement need replacmenet. If so, any source for a repro reinforcement?? I dont see it in caledonia, CSCreproductions, paragon, Zip or corvette central.
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  • Harmon C.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 31, 1994
    • 3228

    Re: 70 seatbelt reinforcement

    If you remove the part from the car you should be able to weld on a new stud. Post a wanted to buy ad on CF. Someone parting out a car should have one.


    • Jordan S.
      • December 17, 2007
      • 113

      Re: 70 seatbelt reinforcement

      Thanks for the reply. I was hoping the bolt was inserted from the interior so I wouldn't have to remove the part and reattach with rivets. I'll post for a used one. If I'm going to remove it , I might as well get one a bit less crusty.



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