Finish Questions on 67 SB with AC

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  • Mark P.
    Frequent User
    • December 1, 2004
    • 62

    Finish Questions on 67 SB with AC

    I have a couple of finish questions on my 67 small with AC. that I did not see in the JG.

    1. I have painted the evaporator housing semi-gloss. On the evaporator housing there is a resistor and terminal connection that is located on the evaporator housing. The resistors extends into the evaporator housing and two screws secure the flange to the evaporator housing. My question relates to the finish of the flange which appears to be raw fiberglass. Now that the evaporator housing has been painted the flange with its fiberglass finish is flat as compared to the evaporator housing. What is the correct finish?

    2. What is the finish for the washer bag bracket? The few remaining flecks of paint appear to be semi-gloss.

    3. What is the finish of the box that holds the battery?

    Thanks in advance for your responses----Mark
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • February 1, 1988
    • 43133

    Re: Finish Questions on 67 SB with AC

    Originally posted by Mark Pate (42951)
    I have a couple of finish questions on my 67 small with AC. that I did not see in the JG.

    1. I have painted the evaporator housing semi-gloss. On the evaporator housing there is a resistor and terminal connection that is located on the evaporator housing. The resistors extends into the evaporator housing and two screws secure the flange to the evaporator housing. My question relates to the finish of the flange which appears to be raw fiberglass. Now that the evaporator housing has been painted the flange with its fiberglass finish is flat as compared to the evaporator housing. What is the correct finish?

    2. What is the finish for the washer bag bracket? The few remaining flecks of paint appear to be semi-gloss.

    3. What is the finish of the box that holds the battery?

    Thanks in advance for your responses----Mark

    1) I believe the resistor was installed after the evaporator housing was painted. As I recall, the flange on the resistor was just a natural, "brownish" looking material. I think it's "Bakelite" or some similar insulating material;

    2) Washer bag bracket was semi-gloss black. I think it was "dip" painted;

    3) Painted semi-gloss black. However, the gloss level is to the glossier side of "semi-gloss".
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


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