Knock-Off's -Repro C. America vs AFC

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  • Keith B.
    Very Frequent User
    • August 13, 2007
    • 220

    Knock-Off's -Repro C. America vs AFC

    Anyone done an analysis on America's Finest Corvette repo KO wheels vs the new Corvette America KO wheel they and CC are promoting. Besides the $2950 vs $2,300 price. Which wheel captures the KH wheel best or are they close to each other.......I have the Western KO wheels from 4 yrs ago before they moved off shore and made them there.....
    Both AFC and CA new design looks very authentic in the pics..........your thoughts......pls...
  • Don H.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • December 1, 1981
    • 1469

    Re: Knock-Off's -Repro C. America vs AFC

    I would suggest you personally look at both and decide (at a big show). I did this at Bloomington but am not knowledgeable enough to make a call. The friend I was with thought Corvette America's was closer but I have heard others think AFC is. Also both offer special prices at shows and you can avoid shipping charges. Good luck, Don H.


    • Jim V.
      • November 1, 1991
      • 587

      Re: Knock-Off's -Repro C. America vs AFC

      Keith...why spend the $600+ Inspected both...I would go with the CA wheel purchased through Virginia Vette (Best price other than wholesale).


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