C3 Derby Cap Stainless Restoration

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  • Bill L.
    • February 1, 2004
    • 1403

    C3 Derby Cap Stainless Restoration

    Can the stainless base of the center caps be disassembled and restored. Caps are getting pretty pricey. Mine are intact but have lots of minor dents.


  • Bill C.
    • July 16, 2007
    • 904

    Re: C3 Derby Cap Stainless Restoration

    There are four 1/4" screws that hold the center cap to the stainless bottom.
    I would think that a stainless restoration guy could remove most all the dings and dents and then sand/repolish.


    • Harmon C.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • September 1, 1994
      • 3228

      Re: C3 Derby Cap Stainless Restoration

      Derby caps are double thickness and that will make removing dents much harder.


      • Michael B.
        Infrequent User
        • December 10, 2007
        • 10

        Re: C3 Derby Cap Stainless Restoration

        hi,all I have a question on original c-3 derby caps. Did they have a crease around the 2nd most outter edge or were they raised and smooth at the outter edge? The reason i ask is a vendor at carlisle had both styles for sale. And that raised a question as to which one is correct for 1970 model year. thanks in advance, mike


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