Are 1966 non-power master cylinders dated? - NCRS Discussion Boards

Are 1966 non-power master cylinders dated?

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  • Steven S.
    • August 29, 2007
    • 571

    Are 1966 non-power master cylinders dated?

    Trying to decide if I want to bother having mine rebuilt or just trade it as a core on one of Lonestars original casting SS sleeved units. All I found that could resemble a date code was a "123" under one of the lid clips.

  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 31, 1988
    • 43160

    Re: Are 1966 non-power master cylinders dated?

    Originally posted by Steven Snyder (47742)
    Trying to decide if I want to bother having mine rebuilt or just trade it as a core on one of Lonestars original casting SS sleeved units. All I found that could resemble a date code was a "123" under one of the lid clips.



    No date on these master cylinders as far as I know.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Jim C.
      • March 31, 2006
      • 290

      Re: Are 1966 non-power master cylinders dated?


      I had to replace my 1966 non power master cylinder a couple years ago. It was totally shot. I replaced it with a rebuilt original part. I wondered the same thing back then, specifically, "Does the part have a date code?" I couldn't find one. The original parts definitely have a part number cast on the bottom. I don't know it off the top of my head, but I never found a date code on the part that went bad or on the rebuilt original replacement. I would say there is no date code on original non power master cylinders for 1966. I base my answer only on what I've stated above. I'm certainly no expert and my experience is only limited to my car and the two parts that I've closely observed. I hope this helps.

      Jim C.


      • Wayne M.
        • February 29, 1980
        • 6414

        Re: Are 1966 non-power master cylinders dated?

        Jim -- check out this DB link; a lot of good date (?) and part # stuff.


        • Steven S.
          • August 29, 2007
          • 571

          Re: Are 1966 non-power master cylinders dated?

          Thanks for the info everyone. Sounds like if the number that everyone is thinking is the date code is actually the date code, there doesn't seem to be a good understanding of what it represents.



          • Jim C.
            • March 31, 2006
            • 290

            Re: Are 1966 non-power master cylinders dated?

            Hi Wayne,

            Now that I have some new information, I'm going to take another look at the MC that's currently on my car, and a look at the one I took off my car a couple years ago. I know it's around here somewhere. I just have to find it. I think it was original to the car, so it might tell us something after all. There's nothing better than a good "number search." I love doing this stuff. I'll report back as soon as I find anything out.

            Jim c.


            • Jim C.
              • March 31, 2006
              • 290

              Re: Are 1966 non-power master cylinders dated?


              Here's what I found. I looked at the old MC that I took off my car a couple years ago. The part number is very clear, 2225032. Just forward of the part number is what appears to be "PR5", but I'm not totally positive the first character is a "P." The last two characters are definitely "R5." On the flat surface where the bottom of the right side cap clip grabs the bottom of the main casting, there is clearly a number "160." If that in fact is a Julian date from 1966, then it would be Thursday, June 9, 1966. Like I said before, I'm most certain that the MC I took off the car a couple years ago was the original. If so, the "160" makes sense. My car is unit number 27592 out of 27720. It was assembled on July 28, 1966, the second from last day of 1966 production. Most of the date code numbers all over my car are from June, 1966, including the cylinder case, intake manifold, heads, transmission, and many others. It appears that the MC might also have been a June, 1966 part if the 160 is a date code.

              Looking at what I currently have on the car, the part number is the same, and so is the PR5 part. Again, the P is a little hard to be sure of, but it looks the same as the "P" on my old MC. Unfortunately, there is no number near the cap clip. So, maybe my current MC is not as original as I thought. It passed flight judging in 2006 without a problem. Who knows?????? So, there you have it. I'm inclined to believe that the MC I took off my car was the "real deal" and the one that's currently on my car is very close, but probably just a very good reproduction.

              Knowing what I think I now know, I would rather have the old one back on my car. Any one know who can do a "top flight" job of rebuilding my old MC??

              Jim C.
              Last edited by Jim C.; September 14, 2009, 06:31 AM.


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