'81 Door Gasket question

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  • George F.
    • November 20, 2006
    • 3

    '81 Door Gasket question

    I have an '81 that has previously gone through judging. It was written up for 'Missing door gasket' on both doors. I have looked over both doors, and each appears the same. I can not see where there might be a missing gasket.

    My question(s):

    1) Could someone possibly post a picture of an '81 door, both front and back showing gaskets, so I can compare?


    2) Does anyone know of a 'commonly' known problem/missing gasket on this year/model? And if yes, where it would be located....

    Thank You in Advance,
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • February 1, 1988
    • 43133

    Re: '81 Door Gasket question

    Originally posted by George Fortunes (46539)
    I have an '81 that has previously gone through judging. It was written up for 'Missing door gasket' on both doors. I have looked over both doors, and each appears the same. I can not see where there might be a missing gasket.

    My question(s):

    1) Could someone possibly post a picture of an '81 door, both front and back showing gaskets, so I can compare?


    2) Does anyone know of a 'commonly' known problem/missing gasket on this year/model? And if yes, where it would be located....

    Thank You in Advance,


    The only gaskets I can think of would be those for the access covers found on the forward area of both doors. These covers are retained by 2 hex head screws and have a gasket which slightly "overhangs" the perimeter of the covers. They are also a relatively thick gasket and the edges can be rather easily discerned. Long ago discontinued by GM, these gaskets are available from Dr. Rebuild and, possibly, other Corvette vendors.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


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