3247 Carb and L72 Fuel System

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  • Larry T.
    • May 16, 2007
    • 404

    3247 Carb and L72 Fuel System

    I just got my restored 3247 carb back and have a couple of questions. What is the proper finish for the following two items:

    1) Divider block that the fuel line from the pump goes to before spliting to the two lines to the carb.

    I have had two reproductions, one brass and one more of a silver

    2) Carb Inlet Fittings

    Again, I have seen two different finishes, one blueish black and
    one closer to the color of the carb

    The car is a 1966

    One other non fuel related question. Is the ground strap attached at the back of the intake (under the ignition shielding bracket) supposed to have any paint on it. Mine is painted but I think it was sprayed when the previous owner was painting the valve covers. Not sure though.

    Last edited by Larry T.; September 9, 2009, 12:39 PM.
  • Jody B.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 1, 1991
    • 108

    Re: 3247 Carb and L72 Fuel System


    The Winter 2005 Restorer magazine shows a properly restored 3247. There's a full color picture on the back page of the magazine. That being said, the fuel inlets are definitely black. The picture of the fuel block (connecting the three lines) is fairly tarnished and has hints of having a dingy silverish look, but not sure.



    • William C.
      NCRS Past President
      • June 1, 1975
      • 6037

      Re: 3247 Carb and L72 Fuel System

      Unpainted ground strap, If you look at the U-69 AIM section, section A4 shows the ground strap as being attached with part number callout for St Louis install. I agree with the last poster on the carb, black inlets, silvery junction block.
      Bill Clupper #618


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