70 front crossover brake line

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  • Bill L.
    • February 1, 2004
    • 1403

    70 front crossover brake line

    I purchased a front crossover brake line from a well known reproduction parts supplier and of course there are some differences. The biggest problem is the tight bend on the passenger side where the line connects to the rubber line going to the caliper. The reproduction will not fit under the inner wheel well since the bend is in the wrong place.

    I had to replace it because one of the previous owners stripped the one end.

    Who makes the most correct brake lines?

    I was also reviewing the archives and someone mentioned that the brass block should be replaced or there is a 50/50 chance of a leak. Should I be concerned about reusing the original brass block? If so, where can I get my hands on a correct brass block too?

    Thanks as always

  • Alan S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 1, 1989
    • 3413

    Re: 70 front crossover brake line

    Hi Bill,
    I replaced my 71's front crossover line with one from ZIP. It needed a little help at the right side connection but worked out fine... so far.
    Are you asking about the brass switch assembly below the master cylinder or the two brass blocks at the rear crossover? I believe ZIP has those too.
    71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
    Mason Dixon Chapter
    Chapter Top Flight October 2011


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