Flight judging question

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  • Jim F.
    • April 8, 2008
    • 60

    Flight judging question

    Hey Guys,

    I have worked hard, spent a lot of money and waited a year to have my 70 Vette flight judged again. It's now only a couple weeks away! I have a couple questions and am seeking your expertise.

    #1--I have two sets of trim tings for my wheels. One set is original to car, with the clips positioned at valve stem hole. They have moderate road rash. Last year I lost 4 points for condition. The other set are definitely GM, from the 70's, but clips are about three inches to the side of valve stem hole. These are perfect, not a scratch. Which ones should I put on car for judging?

    #2--I have two air filters. Both are AC Delco with the proper text on the bottom. One has screen cut on bias, other has screen in horizontal/vertical squares. Which one should I use for judging?

    Thanks very much for sharing your time and expertise,
    Jim Fox
  • Terry M.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • October 1, 1980
    • 15541

    Re: Flight judging question

    My opinion:
    #1 use the originals

    #2 my opinion would be neither style air filter is TFP for your car, but otherw will disagree. Bring both and ask the Mechanical judges which they want to see --put that one on the car.


    • Jim F.
      • April 8, 2008
      • 60

      Re: Flight judging question

      Thank you! What does TFP mean?


      • Reba W.
        Very Frequent User
        • July 1, 1985
        • 928

        Re: Flight judging question

        Typical Factory Production (or Practice)


        • Jim F.
          • April 8, 2008
          • 60

          Re: Flight judging question

          I cannot get an understanding of what the correct air filter is for my car even after reading judging manual. Help!


          • Harmon C.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • September 1, 1994
            • 3228

            Re: Flight judging question

            Your trim rings could be a toss up and your air filter won't be a big hit. Check and recheck operations at 25 points a line it can hurt you real fast.


            • James W.
              • December 1, 1986
              • 278

              Re: Flight judging question

              Originally posted by Lyle Chamberlain (24961)
              Your trim rings could be a toss up and your air filter won't be a big hit. Check and recheck operations at 25 points a line it can hurt you real fast.
              Good advice. You can be trying to save nickles and lose dollars (so to speak). Operations losses are huge



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