BB braided spark plug wires--timing light w/inductive pickups

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  • Wayne M.
    • March 1, 1980
    • 6414

    BB braided spark plug wires--timing light w/inductive pickups

    Was south of the 49th parallel 5 days ago, and dropped into a Sears store to purchase a Craftsman Professional # 21023 inductive timing light with the advance (ie. dial-back) feature. Good deal; $10 bucks off (paid $59.88 + tax, in Spokane WA).

    Got to thinking where to position the clamp-on inductive pickup on the braided plug wiring of my L78. Not much room between the end of the shielding and the start of the spark plug boot, and besides, it's real hot down there, next to the exhaust manifold. Would rather not remove the top cover of the chrome distributor shield to connect at the upper end.

    Is it necessary to disconnect the #1 plug wire from the spark plug and the distributor and replace with an unbraided resistance plug wire to which you can clamp on at any convenient location ?
  • Kenneth T.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 24, 2008
    • 631

    Re: BB braided spark plug wires--timing light w/inductive pickups


    I have always slid the brading up a bit, it is like a Chinese finger trap. If you grab it above and slide the bottom, you can get enough room to clamp the inductive pick up on the wire. I will confess that there is a burn mark on my pick up from inattention on my part.

    Changing the wire may be too much work, but playing around with the car is all the fun anyway


    • Rich P.
      • January 12, 2009
      • 1361

      Re: BB braided spark plug wires--timing light w/inductive pickups


      I have had a Snap-On inductive timing light for just about 20 years and my favorite pick-up spot is right off the distributor cap before the braiding starts. Next is by the spark plug I have had a few burn/melt marks so what I now do is to put a fender cover on the dr side then when I put the pick-up on the #1 wire by the plug I tape the wire taught ro the fender cove so it won't slide down and burn on the manifold.



      • Michael H.
        • January 29, 2008
        • 7477

        Re: BB braided spark plug wires--timing light w/inductive pickups

        Originally posted by Wayne Midkiff (3437)
        Got to thinking where to position the clamp-on inductive pickup on the braided plug wiring of my L78.
        I wonder if it wouldn't be easier to temporarily replace #1 (or #6) plug wire with a conventional non braded wire? You wouldn't have to remove the original wire from the brackets/grommets. Just the dist and plug end of the wire. Lay the temporary wire across the valve cover.

        Also, you can use the coil wire instead of #1 or #6 plug wire. The timing light will flash four times as many times per engine revolution but it's still very easy to see the timing mark as the light flashes on TDC every revolution instead of every other revolution. (#1 and #6)

        This method also gives you some idea of how accurate your distributor cam is. (for point ignition) If the timing mark appears to move back and forth each time the light flashes, the distributor cam or shaft are not running true.
        I've seen as much as 4* variation between cyl's #1 and #6.
        Last edited by Michael H.; August 29, 2009, 09:49 PM.


        • Larry T.
          • May 16, 2007
          • 404

          Re: BB braided spark plug wires--timing light w/inductive pickups

          Originally posted by Michael Hanson (4067)
          I wonder if it wouldn't be easier to temporarily replace #1 (or #6) plug wire with a conventional non braded wire? You wouldn't have to remove the original wire from the brackets/grommets. Just the dist and plug end of the wire. Lay the temporary wire across the valve cover.
          You can get an extension, then all you have to do is unplug at the sparkplug end and plug in the extension. For about $10 I got a tester that has a light in line that flashes everytime there is fire. There is plenty of wire to get the pick up around. It works great.
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