A/C blower problem 66

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  • Jim L.
    Frequent User
    • December 1, 1981
    • 50

    A/C blower problem 66

    Hi All The A/C in my 66 works fine. However when the blower switch is in the off position and the A/C switch is turned on the blower is supposed to start running in low w/o turning on the blower. Then it can be set on low,Med. or High. When the A/C switch is turned on the blower starts running in high blower speed. I have changed the blower switch,theRelay switch, the resistor, and the switch on top of the heater housing. I also removed temporarily the condenser at the blower motor. None of these things have helped. Any ideas would be much appreciated. Regards Jim Lucia
  • Albert P.
    • April 1, 2006
    • 205

    Re: A/C blower problem 66

    Even though you changed the dash switch I would still check the contact sequence for the different speeds with a VOM.


    • Rich P.
      • January 12, 2009
      • 1361

      Re: A/C blower problem 66


      along the lines of what Albert is saying. Also check the wires that go into the resistor and switch to make sure they have the correct orientation.

      I have put many new harnesess in the had terminal positions wrong and also had original harnesess the someone prior had switched.



      • Jack H.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • April 1, 1990
        • 9906

        Re: A/C blower problem 66

        I can't comment on a '66 Corvette, but I was 'blind sided' when I read the theory of operation section from the Chassis Service Manual for my '71... I couldn't BELIEVE the number of differences in the Chevy lineup (model to model) regarding how the blower motor was intended to turn ON/OFF relative to the center console/dash switch setting!


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